Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Time to Build a Movement to Cut Runaway Military Spending

Statement from U.S. Peace Council, August 3 2020 This statement was written last summer but the reality that drives it is more pertinent than ever.  We need to update these issues.   While Congress continues to bicker over whether or not to proceed and how they might proceed with monies to address the COVID-19 crisis, they calmly support budgeting hundreds of[…]

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Stealing Mineral Wealth for Corporate Interests

by Jeremy Kuzmarov, published on Covert Action Magazine, December 2, 2020 A new book reveals how U.S. Presidents of both parties unleashed the CIA in the Congo to do the dirty work of greedy corporations, causing misery, mutilations and massacres of such magnitude they dwarfed even the wildest accounts depicted in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. ~Covert Action Magazine On[…]

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How to Prevent 40 Million People from Being Evicted

by Jerusalem Demsas, published on Black Agenda Report, December 2, 2020 Millions of Americans face eviction in a “completely predictable and entirely preventable” crisis as the CDC’s moratorium is set to expire on New Year’s Eve. “Tenants could owe nearly $70 billion in back rent by year’s end.” Seven months into her fight to stay housed, 48-year-old Kimberly is furious. […]

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Half a Million March in France Against Police Violence, Racism

by G. Dunkel, published on Workers World, December 4, 2020 In an explosion of anger and political rejection, 200,000 people marched in Paris Nov. 28 while another 300,000 in over 95 cities and towns across France held coordinated protest marches. Demonstrations also took place in front of French embassies in the Netherlands and Germany. The protests were targeting Article 24[…]

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Black Friday Protests Hit Amazon

by Jim McMahan, published on Workers World, December 4, 2020 Seattle On Nov. 27, “Black Friday,” workers rallied in front of Amazon world headquarters in Seattle to condemn Amazon’s exploitation of essential workers. Chris Smalls and The Congress of Essential Workers (TCOEW) led the Seattle action. Smalls was fired March 30 by Amazon for leading a work stoppage in New[…]

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Yanis Varoufakis Calls for Boycott of Amazon on Black Friday!

by Yanis Varoufakis, published on DiEM25, 11/26/2020 This is an interesting Global Call to Action. This is a strategy I have long advocated in other campaigns so I hope they do this again.  I also published a WW article describing some of the local protests against Amazon in the US.   One interesting point: On Saturday, the day after this boycott,[…]

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Venezuela Wins Simply by Holding an Election

by Carlos Ron and Vijay Prashad, published on Resumen, December 2, 2020 On December 6, the Venezuelan people will vote for a new National Assembly. Ordinarily, there is nothing unusual about this, nor would this be newsworthy outside Venezuela. Ever since the election of Hugo Chávez to the presidency in 1998, the Venezuelan people have been used to more than[…]

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Working Class Unites Across India for 250 Million Strong Strike

by Martha Grevatt, published on Workers World, December 1, 2020 For the second time this year, a class-wide mobilization in an “All-India strike” brought out 250 million workers. With one in four working-age people in India participating, this 24-hour work stoppage can again claim the status of “world’s biggest strike.” The first record-breaking general strike had taken place on Jan.[…]

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India’s Nov 26 General Strike: We Are the Grass Roots

by Vijay Prashad, from Tricontinental Institute for Social Research, December 3, 2020 Farmers and agricultural workers from northern India marched along various national highways toward India’s capital of New Delhi as part of the general strike on 26 November. They carried placards with slogans against the anti-farmer, pro-corporate laws that were passed by India’s Lok Sabha (lower house of parliament)[…]

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BLM Chapters Demand “Accountability” from Trio that Cashed In on the Movement

by Glen Ford, published on Black Agenda Report,  December 3, 2020 Ten chapters of the national Black Lives Matter organization are in open revolt against the individuals that have treated the mass movement as their personal vehicle for upward political, professional and financial advancement. “The BLMGNF became the principal beneficiary of millions of dollars in individual and corporate philanthropy.” In 2013 three Black[…]

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