Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Bully Biden Bombs Syria, Slashes COVID-19 Payments and Drops $15 Minimum Wage

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, March 6, 2021 President Joseph Biden’s fealty to U.S. imperialism and its ruling class domestic agenda was demonstrated soon after his Jan. 20 White House arrival. Five days later he sent additional troops to northeastern Syria to fortify U.S. control of that U.S. beleaguered nation’s oil rich and most fertile agricultural region. On[…]

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From Afghanistan to Syria: Women’s Rights, War Propaganda and the CIA

by Julie Lévesque, published on Global Research, March 08, 2021        (reprinted from RT Op-Edge and Global Research 4 April 2013) Women’s rights are increasingly heralded as a useful propaganda device to further imperial designs. Western heads of state, UN officials and military spokespersons will invariably praise the humanitarian dimension of the October 2001 US-NATO led invasion of Afghanistan, which[…]

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Haiti Update

by Chavannes Jean-Baptiste, submitted by Paul Pumphrey, February 24, 2021 This is an interesting report from someone inside Haiti. CONTEXT Haiti has been going through a global crisis, a structural crisis for a long time. This crisis has hit all sectors of national life for many years. But it has become catastrophic, unbearable since the arrival of the PHTK (Parti[…]

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Biden Must Reprogram Funds for Subversion in Cuba

By Alejandra Garcia, published on Resumen English, March 3, 2021 Of the never-ending list of U.S. measures against Cuba, much is said about the six-decade economic blockade. However, less attention is paid to the former U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to maintain the program that has allocated over $250 million in the last twenty years to covert subversion operations against[…]

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The Minimal Minimum Wage

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, March 3, 2021 Most Democrats either don’t want a minimum wage increase or are too afraid of bucking their party’s donor class. “Biden and the rest of the Democrats will never defy the people who butter their bread.” The federal minimum wage has been a paltry $7.25 per hour  since 2009. In that[…]

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EU Imposes Further Sanctions on Venezuela as Maduro Visits UN Human Rights Council

From Venezuelanalysis, February 22, 2021 Mérida 2/22 – Venezuela has blasted the imposition of additional European Union (EU) sanctions against nineteen politicians, state officials and security chiefs. According to an EU statement released Monday, the individuals are penalised for their alleged role in “acts and decisions undermining democracy and the rule of law” or “as a result of serious human[…]

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