Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

From Afghanistan to Syria: Women’s Rights, War Propaganda and the CIA

by Julie Lévesque, published on Global Research, March 08, 2021        (reprinted from RT Op-Edge and Global Research 4 April 2013) Women’s rights are increasingly heralded as a useful propaganda device to further imperial designs. Western heads of state, UN officials and military spokespersons will invariably praise the humanitarian dimension of the October 2001 US-NATO led invasion of Afghanistan, which[…]

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Power to the People! Policing and Caribbean Autonomy in Nicaragua

Normally I wouldn’t post a webinar, but this is special.  Friends of Latin America produced this webinar where 3 women from Nicaragua speak about their experiences with Community policing.  Ajamu Baraka comes in after they speak and talks about how their experiences relate to what is happening now in the United States where people are demanding community supervision of police[…]

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Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger problem

By Sue Davis, published on Workers World, August 19, 2020 Planned Parenthood of Greater New York issued a strong statement July 21 that condemned Margaret Sanger’s relationship with eugenics theory and practice. “By saying this, we disarm a tool anti-abortion opponents use to shame women of color, especially Black women, from seeking the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health[…]

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Call for Just Peace and an End to Wars of Aggression and Military Sexual Violence Against Women

Statement by The International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS) On August 14, 2020, the world commemorates the end of World War II in 1945. During the Great Depression, an acute global crisis of capital, conflict in the Eastern hemisphere was stirred up when imperial Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931. It had already been occupying Korea. In the Western hemisphere, the[…]

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The “Squad” Will Have to Realize that You Can’t Defeat White Supremacy with White Supremacy

by Ajamu Baraka, from Black Agenda Report, July 8, 2019 The “squad” condemns Trump for his white nationalism, not understanding that as a white supremacist settler-colonial state, white nationalism is “American” nationalism. “Biden as a neoliberal white supremacist imperialist was always clear where he stood.” The story of Trump’s white nationalist tweets is still the object of intense discussion with the[…]

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A Manifesto of the New Global Feminism

Photo: May 2019, Women march in Manilla by Christine Marie, published on Socialist Action, May 19, 2019 Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya, and Nancy Fraser, “Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto” (London and New York: Verso, 2019), 85 pp. Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya, and Nancy Fraser have a mission. They are collaborating to bring the lessons of a new global feminist[…]

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Teachers’ strikes are women’s strikes

Photo by David McNew / Getty Images By Ann Montague, Published on Socialist Action, February 7, 2019 The new wave of teachers’ strikes suggests one way that the fight for women’s liberation from the privatized tasks of social reproduction may unfold. The recent one-week strike in Los Angeles, which featured demands to arrest the privatization of public education and improve[…]

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