Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Joe Lombardo Interview: An Objective Look at U.S. Foreign Policy

by John Rachel, published on Peace Dividend, August 10, 2020 Events continue to unfold at a quickening pace. Facing an alarming escalation in tensions around the world, we asked Joe Lombardo for his most current thoughts. We focus here on the realities of the international power struggle unfolding in real time, specifically addressing the role of the U.S. in the[…]

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End the Korean War – 70 Years is Enough!

by Richie Merino, published on Workers World, August 10, 2022 The following remarks were prepared by International Action Center member Richie Merino for the “Denuclearization and Peace on the Korean Peninsula” event at the United Nations Aug. 4, co-organized by Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea (SPARK) and People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD). The key actors in Korea’s[…]

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Where We Stand

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, April 11, 2022 Ukraine: No to the U.S.-orchestrated fascist coup! Editor: The statement below was approved by the April 9, 2022 meeting of Socialist Action’s National Committee. Serious political analysis on the left always begins with the facts. Substituting abstract theory not based on facts is always a dead end for the socialist[…]

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From Mosul to Raqqa to Mariupol, Killing Civilians is a Crime

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, April 13, 2022 Americans have been shocked by the death and destruction of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, filling our screens with bombed buildings and dead bodies lying in the street. But the United States and its allies have waged war in country after country for decades, carving swathes of destruction through cities,[…]

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No Sanctions, No Nukes, No war!

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, March 22, 2022 A seismic shift is sending shock waves through the global economy. The well-established capitalist disorder, dominated by U.S. imperialism and in place since World War II, is on shaky ground. Extreme economic sanctions imposed on Russia are dragging the whole world into a war that started long before the Russian[…]

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Suspending U.S.-ROK Military Exercises, Decreasing Military Tensions on Korean Peninsula

by G. Dunkel, published on Workers World, March 24, 2022 This statement was written by a collaboration of U.S. and South Korean peace groups, joining many colleagues in the U.S., South Korea and around the world to amplify our very urgent call. It will be sent to President Biden and President Moon in early April 2022. We, the civil society[…]

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Imperialist Victim Afghanistan After the Spotlight Has Passed

Statement from Black Alliance for Peace, March 24, 2022 Afghanistan has joined the ever growing ranks of countries forcibly thrown into desperate humanitarian crises following U.S./NATO wars now relegated to the sidelines as the latest crisis instigated by the West’s imperial aggression takes the spotlight. The blatant imperial theft of Afghan wealth, like what occurred with Iraq, Libya, and others[…]

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