Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Venezuela: Biden to Endorse Guaido After Trump Issues Parting Sanctions

Venezuelanalysis, January 21, 2021 – The incoming Joe Biden administration will maintain support for Venezuelan self-proclaimed “Interim President” Juan Guaido. According to reports, the new Secretary of State Antony Blinken told members of the US Senate that recently inaugurated President Biden will continue to recognize the opposition leader as the country’s legitimate leader. While the veteran democrat has yet to[…]

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The Chickens Have Come Home to Roost

Black Alliance for Peace Statement on January 6 Right Wing Protests in DC Two Januarys ago, an obscure politician from a minor political party named Juan Guaido assumed a one-month chairmanship of the Venezuelan National Assembly. Then he promptly declared himself the interim president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The bizarre declaration had no legal standing. But that did[…]

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Trump Fanatics Invade Capitol as His Presidency Disintegrates

by Jeff Mackler, from Socialist Action, January 10, 2020 Chaos and disarray marked an electrified Washington, D.C. political scene in the days immediately following the Wednesday, Jan. 6 President Donald Trump-instigated rampaging mob that stormed the Capitol Building aimed at preventing an in-session joint meeting of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate from certifying Joseph Biden’s Nov. 3 Electoral[…]

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Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix: Stop Trivializing The Term ‘Coup’

by Caitlin Johnstone, published on Consortium News, January 9, 2021 Stop trivializing the term “coup”. It’s a real thing the US government really inflicts on other countries in a way that actually does topple governments and cause immense destruction. You cannot take over the US government with a small squadron of wingnuts. That’s not a thing. A coup attempt doesn’t[…]

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Ruling class installs Biden over Trump

President de-elect and wannabe but failed soft coup plotter Donald Trump suffered under the delusion that he ran the country, that he could effectively rescue it from the “Washington, D.C. swamp dweller-insiders” who he repeatedly dubbed the “dark state.” Trump never defined this enterprise but repeatedly argued that it was responsible for dastardly deeds, like rigging elections, offshoring jobs, coddling[…]

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The Solutions Are Obvious, But It Will Take A Revolution To Win Them

by Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, December 13, 2020 The United States has reached a severe crisis point and the next few months will determine how we address it. The COVID-19 pandemic is raging across the country and some areas are struggling to provide enough hospital beds and staff to care for people. The recession is deepening as unemployment[…]

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Covid-19 catch-22: Regime-change policies come packed with US pandemic relief

by Alexander Rubenstein and Jeb Sprague, published on The Grayzone, December 20, 2020 Ed Note: I just saw an article ‘fact checking’ the contention that the monies for ‘foreign policy’ are ‘in’ the COVID relief bill. Please focus on the fact that these other expenses are in the huge ‘omnibus’ spending bill that was, as Rubenstein and Sprague assert “debated[…]

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Resist the US/EU/NATO Axis of Domination

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, December 16, 2020 It is critical that the Black left understand U.S./European imperialism as a race project, and organize accordingly. “The Black internationalist stance must be seen as fundamental to our movement building work.” The ascendancy of neoliberal forces to the executive branch of the U.S. state represents a development that potentially[…]

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Biden’s Cabinet Picks: Ruling class politics or socialist revolution?

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, December 14, 2020 Insane people who study playing Russian roulette with a well-lubricated and seasoned six-shooter understand that the odds on survival are far greater than the expected 83.3 percent, that is, five out of six. That’s because the single loaded-bullet chamber is heavier than the empty chambers and is more likely, after[…]

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