Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Three Brigades of the Third-Biggest Arms Spender in the World Annihilated by the Offensive of the Poorest Arab Country in the World

by Federico Pieraccini, published on the American Herald Tribune, September 30, 2019 Many may have hitherto been led to believe that the Houthis were a ragtag armed force lacking in sophistication. Many, seeing the drone and missile attacks on Saudi oil plants, may have declared it to be a false-flag attack carried out by Riyadh to boost Aramco’s market value;[…]

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Protesters tell Greyhound, ICE off our buses!

By Makasi Motema, posted on Workers World, August 27, 2019 About 200 demonstrators gathered Aug. 23 outside Manhattan’s Port Authority Bus Terminal, demanding an end to collaboration between Greyhound Lines, Inc. and Customs and Border Patrol agents, who have been illegally boarding buses to racially profile and detain migrants. The protest was the result of a month of planning by[…]

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