Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

No Sanctions, No Nukes, No war!

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, March 22, 2022 A seismic shift is sending shock waves through the global economy. The well-established capitalist disorder, dominated by U.S. imperialism and in place since World War II, is on shaky ground. Extreme economic sanctions imposed on Russia are dragging the whole world into a war that started long before the Russian[…]

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Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Signifies the End of an Era of Unipolar American Power

by Daniel Kovalik, published on Covert Action Magazine, March 24, 2022 Russia had drawn a line in the sand and, once violated, defied Washington by acting to defend its interests. A lot of countries support Russia, and Washington is powerless to stop it. If you are like me, you have been glued to the news about the Russian military operation[…]

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The MADness of the Resurgent U.S. Cold War With Russia

by Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 28, 2022 The war in Ukraine has placed U.S. and NATO policy toward Russia under a spotlight, highlighting how the United States and its allies have expanded NATO right up to Russia’s borders, backed a coup and now a proxy war in Ukraine, imposed waves of economic sanctions, and launched a debilitating trillion-dollar arms[…]

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Political Repression in Ukraine

by Phil Wilayto, March 29, 2020 The U.S. media is full of stories about what it calls political repression in other countries, but it’s strangely silent when it comes to Ukraine. Here’s one example: In the early morning of March 19, 2022, agents from the federal Security Service of Ukraine, the SBU, showed up at the apartment of Yuri Tkachev,[…]

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Rand Report Prescribed US Provocations Against Russia & Predicted Russia Might Retaliate in Ukraine

by Rick Sterling, published on Dissident Voices, March 26, 2022 According to a 2019 Rand report titled “Overextending and Unbalancing Russia,” the US goal is to undermine Russia just as it did the Soviet Union in the cold war. Rather than “trying to stay ahead” or trying to improve the US domestically or in international relations, the emphasis is on efforts[…]

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Exclusive: Ukrainian Refugees in Moldova Spare No Words on Zelensky Gov’t

by Fergie Chambers, published on Towards Freedom, March 21, 2022 CHISINAU, Moldova—Nestled above the Black Sea, between the war zone in Ukraine and the eastern limits of NATO territory in Romania, sits the tiny, oft-forgotten landlocked nation of Moldova. Among the poorest countries in Europe by just about any relevant metric, it has been overwhelmed by Ukrainian refugees in the[…]

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On Russia’s Military Intervention in Ukraine

Statement from U.S. Peace Council, March 24, 2022 What we all hoped would not happen has happened. The Russian Federation sent troops into Ukraine on February 24 in response to decades of relentless US-led NATO provocation. The present situation puts many serious, fundamental questions before the global peace movement. A fierce propaganda campaign, long simmering with Russiagate and the onset[…]

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Ukraine: U.S. Out Now! Remains Our Anti-Imperialist Antiwar Credo

Ukraine: U.S. Out Now! Remains Our Anti-Imperialist Antiwar Credo Statement by the UNAC Administrative Committee – With Context  [Editor’s note: The statement below was drafted by UNAC Administrative Committee member, Jeff Mackler and approved following discussion and amendment by the March 17, 2022 meeting of UNAC Administrative Committee.] U.S. Out Now! Hands Off! Self-determination for the World’s Poor and Oppressed![…]

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United National Antiwar Coalition Statement on Ukraine

United National Antiwar Coalition Statement on Ukraine 3/19/22 The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) remains steadfast in its opposition to the United States/NATO imperialist project. The people of Ukraine are now suffering in a war zone because of the actions of the United States, beginning with the 2014 coup which violently ousted an elected president. The goal then as now[…]

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