Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The 16 Biggest Lies the U.S. Government Tells America About the Ukraine War

by Richard Ochs, published on Covert Action Magazine, May 18, 2022 In any war, the first casualty is truth. Here are the biggest lies: 1. “Ukraine is a democracy” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky banned all opposition parties and banned the use of Russian as a second state language. Why did he violate his 2019 campaign promise to stop the genocidal[…]

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‘God Will Sort Them Out’: Ukrainians of Donbass Beg NATO to End War

by Fergie Chambers, published on Towards Freedom, May 25, 2022 DONETSK, DONETSK PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC—The Russian “special military operation” in Ukraine reached its 90th day and the Western press continues to be inundated with unverified claims of war crimes Russian forces allegedly have committed. Accusations have been lodged against the Russian military for mass graves in Bucha, a narrative which has[…]

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The New Racist Consensus: Shootings In Buffalo Solidify The Consensus

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, May 18, 2022 The latest mass shooter in Buffalo, New York was clearly a racist, and identified with Ukrainian and other neo-Nazis. But white supremacy has a stronger hold on European and U.S. society than is commonly acknowledged. The avowed racist is not the only problem. The incidents of mindless, mass carnage[…]

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NY Times Shifts Pro-War Narrative, Documents Failure of US in Ukraine

by John V. Walsh, published on, May 13, 2022 Seeing the most prolific liar acknowledge the truth gives me a headache.  Cognitive dissonance, has my ears ringing.  I don’t know what to make of it.   But, if they will never acknowledge the cause, at least it is good to see them note the increasingly apparent and deadly consequences.  […]

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A Manufactured Crisis in Ukraine is Victimizing the World’s Peoples

US Peace Council Statement, May 10, 2022 With the conflict in Ukraine entering its third month, the likelihood of a successfully negotiated peace — an immediate necessity — is becoming ever more remote. This proxy war by the United States is designed to use the Ukrainian people to mortally disable Russia. Those who profit from war benefit, while those most[…]

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Intel Vets: Nuclear Weapons Cannot Be Un-Invented

Statement from Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Peace, published on, May 1, 2022 MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT: Nuclear Weapons Cannot Be Un-invented, Thus … PRECEDENCE: IMMEDIATE REF: Our Memo of 12/20/20, “Don’t Be Suckered on Russia” May 1, 2022 Mr. President: Mainstream media have marinated the minds of most Americans in a[…]

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Lula Criticizes World Leaders for Not Doing Enough to ‘Help Create Peace’ in Ukraine

by Jake Johnson, published on Common Dreams, May 5, 2022 Lula’s trajectory reflects the inner contradictions of US foreign policy.   As a leader who exudes independence and follows a moderately socialist political course, Lula, hugely popular in his own country, was targeted by the forces of empire for a takedown.  The US was deeply involved in the plot that engineered[…]

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The Poor People’s Campaign Dishoners Martin Luther King

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, May 4, 2022 It is disheartening to hear movement leaders say they are inspired by Martin Luther King while also supporting the U.S. proxy war against Russia. Like all wars it endangers the lives of civilian populations, enriches the military industrial complex, and robs Americans of public resources. Once King chose an[…]

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