Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

A Conversation Daniel Patrick Welch

by Danny Haiphong, originally published on Black Agenda Report’s Independent Journalist Corner, March 7, 2018 “Americans—even ‘woke’ ones—don’t know jack about their own history: the violence, the terror on behalf of white supremacy is simply a bottomless pit.” This week I spoke with journalist and political analyst Daniel Patrick Welch (Donal Pádraig Breatnach). He is a writer of political commentary[…]

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Our Feminism Must be Anti-Capitalist

By CELESTE MURILLO and ANDREA D’ATRI, published on Socialist Action, March 8, 2018 “The socialist who is not a feminist lacks breadth. The feminist who is not a socialist lacks strategy.” — Louise Kneeland On March 8, 2017, women around the world marched through the largest metropolitan centers. The call for a global strike revived International Women’s Day—long relegated to[…]

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Time is Not on Yemen’s Side

by Kathy Kelly, originally posted on Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Feb 20, 2018 Kathy Kelly, on Feb 15 2018, addressed NY’s “Stony Point Center” outlining the history of peaceful resistance and U.S.-engineered catastrophe in Yemen. TRANSCRIPT: So, thank you very much to Erin who apparently had asked the question “What are we going to do about Yemen?” and that was[…]

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Billboards Opposing Drone Wars Are Going Up All Over Syracuse, NY

by David Swanson, originally published on World Beyond War, Feb 21. 2018 World Beyond War has been raising funds for and renting billboards in opposition to war. We’ve run into censorship from numerous billboard companies but persevered, and more billboards are on their way. First we put this message up here in Charlottesville, Va., and then in Baltimore, Md. (see[…]

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Deirdre Griswold Defends Korea Against Tucker Carlson (Updated With Analysis)

U.S. Anti-War Leader Deirdre Griswold Defends Korea Against Right-Wing Racist Tucker Carlson The opening of relations between North and South Korea at this year’s Olympics provides have provided a hopeful contrast to Vice President Pence’s cold snub towards North Korean officials at the opening ceremonies for the event and raised the issue of ‘Who are the Koreans after all?‘ Deirdre[…]

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Women’s Marches Get a Huge Turnout Nationwide

Indigenous women gather before the Women’s March in Phoenix, Ariz. Photo by Lorraine Longhi. by Ann Montague, originally published on Socialist Action, Jan 27, 2018 Once again women hit the streets on Jan. 20 and 21. The U.S. marches were decentralized in nature but the turnout was high. They reflected the burning anger and determination to resist that many women[…]

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No Foreign Bases: Challenging the Footprint of US Empire

A great writeup for the No Foreign Bases Conference last weekend in Baltimore by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers in the Popular Resistance Newsletter The United States cannot be a moral or ethical country until it faces up to the realities of US empire and the destruction it causes around the world. The US undermines governments (including democracies), kills millions[…]

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