Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Resistance, Resilience, and Fight Back, People of Yemen Winning the War Against Imperialism

by Azza Rojbi, published on Fire This Time, Volume 16, Issue #3/4 “Sometimes I sleep two, three hours, and then I wake up and stay up until morning… I remember my children and my home…Our lives were humble, but it was a quiet life, a good life, we were happy…we lost everything.” Those are the words of Abdullah al-Ibbi in[…]

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Response to Buffalo Massacre: Smash White Supremacy

by Nigel Bouvart, published on Workers World, May 16, 2022 On the state response to the Buffalo massacre.    [jb] On the evening of May 14, a fascist carrying a rifle entered a supermarket in the predominantly Black neighborhood of Masten Park on Buffalo’s East Side and opened fire. While most official statements have more or less vaguely alluded to “racial[…]

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Activist Explains Why Anti-war Movement Wants U.S. out of Ukraine

by Staff, published on Fightback News, February 27, 2022 Minneapolis, MN – Fight Back! News interviewed Meredith Aby-Keirstead, a founding member of the MN Anti-War Committee, on February 27 for her anti-war perspective on the crisis in the Ukraine and the proxy war developing between the U.S./NATO and Russia. Fight Back!: Why should Americans join with the anti-war movement right[…]

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Decolonization : Survival : Water : Life

by Steven Salaita, published on Mondoweiss, October 11, 2021 During the summer of 2016, thousands of people representing dozens of nations converged on the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in the American state currently known as South Dakota.  They arrived to prevent the destruction of land and water by a foreign oil company.  Energy Transfer Partners of Dallas, a regular in[…]

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South Africa: The Fault-Lines of the World’s Most Unequal Society

by John Allen, published on All Africa, July  18, 2021 South Africa was born in the clutches of the IMF and the World Bank.  It is no surprise that even a government run by a revolutionary party became, after less than 30 years, riddled with corruption, while implementing divestment and impoverishment of the very people from whom they emerged as[…]

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Over 100 Anti-Protest Bills Have Been Introduced Since George Floyd Rebellion

by Ella Frassler, published on Black Agenda Report, June 23, 2021 The new laws are part of a larger trend of conservative, right-wing efforts at the state level designed to counter the goals of social movements. “Republican state politicians continue to attack the people rising up against those systemic injustices.” This June, a dangerously low-flying helicopter operated by the Department[…]

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