Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Nicaragua and the Western Human Rights Industry

by Stephen Sefton, Tortilla Con Sal, published on TeleSUR English, April 9, 2021 John Heartfield’s famous photomontage of a newspaper cabbagehead had the caption “Whoever Reads Bourgeois Newspapers Becomes Blind and Deaf!” The caption is even more true now as the 21st Century moves into its third decade. Western reporting of all kinds is strained through the filters of corporate-dominated intellectual managerial[…]

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Why Shady Billionaire-Funded NGOs Pushed a PBS Report on Nicaraguan “Conflict Beef”

by Rick Sterling, published on MintPress News, May 24, 2021 “He who pays the piper, calls the tune,” and the neoliberal era has spawned individuals with incredible wealth who, through “philanthropy,” can feel good and flex their influence at the same time. While these philanthropists can be liberal on some issues, they almost universally support U.S. foreign policy and the[…]

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A Cold War Re-Education in 8 Minutes

by David Swanson, published on Let’s Try Democracy, March 21, 2021        from Remarks by David Swanson at the Cold War Truth Commission The Cold War didn’t have a hard and fast beginning that transformed the world or that turned heroic anti-Nazi Soviets into Satanic Commies on a particular afternoon. The rise of Nazism had been facilitated in part by[…]

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Death TV

by Alex Adams, published on Global Research, March 10, 2021 For those of us who have no direct experience of drone warfare, popular culture is one of the major ways that we come to understand what is at stake in UAV operations. Movies, novels, TV and other cultural forms can inform our ideas about drone warfare just as much as,[…]

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US Dictatorship of (White) Capital and Its Tools of Bamboozlement

by Glen Ford, published on Black Agenda Report, September 24, 2020 The New York Times and fellow corporate media discourage Americans from organizing against the rule of the rich by pretending that People Power is a fantasy. “The ruling class is very much aware that the only force capable of countering the power of Capital is the Power of the People in[…]

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Media Conceal—or Celebrate—Depriving Syrians of Food and Medicine

by Gregory Shupak, published on Fairness and Accuracy in Media, July 14, 2020 Late last month, the latest round of United States sanctions, known as the Caesar Act, took effect against Syria, a country already in a dire situation after nine years of war and sanctions. Covid-19 and an economic crisis in Lebanon, a financial lifeline for Syrian civilians that[…]

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How the Media Used the Bounty Scandal to Stop the ‘Threat’ of Peace in Afghanistan

by Lee Camp, published on Mintpress News, July 2, 2020 Lee raises an important issue here.  The Trump presidency is merely the reflection of a systemic problem.   Now that we have Biden vs Trump on the platform, that should be pretty obvious.  In any case, these news stories are consistent where Trump’s initiatives are not. [jb] This is not a[…]

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Missing Perspective in Media: Iran/Venezuela Ties Are None of US’s Business

by Gregory Shupak, published on Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, June 10, 2020 The American state not only snuffs out lives by pressing knees to necks domestically, it also seeks to asphyxiate entire countries like Iran and Venezuela. When the US empire’s foes defy Washington’s dictates, corporate media willingly participate in drumming up a crisis over it—even when what’s at[…]

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