Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Yemen: 3 Years of War

By Azza Rojbi  of MAWO, originally published on Fire This Time Yemen is “the world’s largest man-made humanitarian crisis”. Those were the words of UN special envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, as he gave his final briefing to the UN security council on the situation in Yemen. In this briefing, not once were the daily aggression and airstrikes[…]

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Resisting Calls to ‘Do Something’ About Syria

A fighter of Syrian Democratic Forces stands amidst the ruins of buildings near the Clock Square in Raqqa, Syria October 18, 2017 ~REUTERS/Erik De Castro/File photo by Caitlin Johnstone, Feb 28, 2018 “We’ve got to do something about Syria!” goes the common Western refrain. Actually, no you don’t. “What? You’re saying we should just do nothing??” goes the common response. Yes. Yeah that’d[…]

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The $1.5 billion Campaign to Whitewash Genocide in Yemen

The Saudi-led coalition have intensified airstrikes on Hodeidah in recent months and a new front there is imminent. It will cut off 70% of imports to the country’s starving population. by Dan Glazebrook, March 2, 2018 The Situation in Yemen looks like the Apocolypse “The situation in Yemen – today, right now, to the population of the country,” UN humanitarian[…]

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Time is Not on Yemen’s Side

by Kathy Kelly, originally posted on Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Feb 20, 2018 Kathy Kelly, on Feb 15 2018, addressed NY’s “Stony Point Center” outlining the history of peaceful resistance and U.S.-engineered catastrophe in Yemen. TRANSCRIPT: So, thank you very much to Erin who apparently had asked the question “What are we going to do about Yemen?” and that was[…]

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US Escalates Syrian War

by Margaret Kimberley, originally published on Black Agenda Report “The commitment must be to end United States interventions and declare independence from anyone who is not firmly opposed to crimes cooked up in Washington.” The seven year-old war waged against Syria ought to be over by now. The jihadist forces backed by the United States, Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia[…]

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The war and the media — Double standards for Mosul, Iraq, and Aleppo, Syria

The Pentagon made its largest bombing attack inside Syria since last April on Feb. 6, striking pro-Syrian government forces at the same time as an attack from Israel on Syria. Thus, once again imperialist powers threaten to reignite their campaign to overthrow the legitimate Syrian government. All the more timely is it that Workers World publish this article by anti-war[…]

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U.S. Occupation of NE Syria Illegal

by Jeff Mackler of Socialist Action During a Jan. 17 Stanford University speech, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced that the U.S. military will arm, train, finance, and otherwise support—for an indefinite time—a new, 30,000-strong, Kurdish and U.S.-allied Arab nation border force in northeastern Syria. This force in formation, effectively aimed at the partition of Syria, will be backed by[…]

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