Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Liberate Syria’s Idlib, Precisely for the Civilians

Photo: Looking out from a factory in western Aleppo, just 400 metres from al-Qaeda snipers. ©  Eva Bartlett by Eva Bartlett, Published by Information Clearing House, May 25, 2019 Western media and politicians are crying for Al-Qaeda in Syria again. It doesn’t get much more absurd than this! After years of brutal occupation by terrorists from various groups and now overwhelmingly Hay’at Tahrir[…]

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How to Lobby Washington to Death

A Business Model From Hell and the War in Yemen by Mashal Hashem and James Allen, published on Tom Dispatch, May 16, 2019 A springtime wedding in Northern Yemen’s Al-Raqah village took place in April 2018, a moment of reprieve from the turmoil and devastation of that war-torn country, a moment to celebrate life, love, and the birth of a[…]

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Washington Threatens New Attack on Syria Amid US War Buildup in Persian Gulf

Photo: From a video from one of the original propaganda reports by militants in the region. ~Al Bab By Bill Van Auken, published on World Socialist Website, 22 May 2019 Just days after President Donald Trump threatened to put an “official end” to Iran, Washington has threatened renewed military aggression against Syria based on unsubstantiated charges of the use of[…]

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SYRIA: U.S Clings to “Regime Change” Fantasy

by Peter Ford, from 21st Century Wire, April 2, 2019 With the military situation largely frozen, the last two months have been marked mainly by developments involving the US – the ending of the ISIS caliphate in the US-controlled part of Syria, Trump’s U-turn over keeping US forces in Syria, and US recognition of Israel’s annexation of the Golan. US[…]

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US – Israeli Aggression in the Middle East and Beyond

Photo: Ancient Ruins, Golan Heights, Israel – These are Syrian Ruins in the Syrian Golan Heights.  The Golan Heights are no more Israeli than grandma’s traditional Hummus recipe by Judith Bello, CounterCurrents Blog, April 5, 2019 Since he came to office, Donald Trump has taken a very aggressive stand supporting Israel’s Zionist agenda in the Middle East. Early in his[…]

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Giving the Bomb to Saudi Arabia’s Dr. Strangelove

by Chris Hedges, 1st published on TruthDig, March 3, 2019 The most dangerous foreign policy decision of the Trump administration—and I know this is saying a lot—is its decision to share sensitive nuclear technology with Saudi Arabia and authorize U.S. companies to build nuclear reactors in that country. I spent seven years in the Middle East. I covered the despotic,[…]

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How the ICC Intends to Violate a UN Security Council Decision and Try Bashar al-Assad

Everyone believed it to be impossible for the International Criminal Court (ICC) to try the Syrians, since China and Russia exercised their vetos against a Western draft resolution to do so. But no! A piece of legal sleight of hand may make it possible to dodge the decision of the Security Council. The Court hopes to incriminate President Bachar el-Assad,[…]

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