Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

US Congressional Panel Plots Next Phase of Dirty War on Syria: Occupy Oil Fields & Block Reconstruction

by Ben Norton, published on The Grayzone, October 23, 2019 Despite President Donald Trump’s order of a partial withdrawal of troops from Syria, the United States’ regime-change war against the country continues in broad daylight. At a U.S. -funded think tank at the forefront of shaping Washington’s interventionist designs, an American official succinctly laid out the continued-regime change strategy. Dana Stroul,[…]

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The Syrian Army Defends Civilians in Northeast

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, November 4, 2019 Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have continued to pull back as agreed, while the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and their Russian military allies have taken positions through much of the northeast of Syria, to counter the Turkish invasion.  There are clashes sporadically, and the Turkish backed sectarian militias have committed[…]

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The United States Has Produced Very Few Anti-Imperialists; Noam Chomsky is Not One of Them

by Stephen Gowans, published on Stephen Gowan’s Blog, November 3, 2019 Imperialism has penetrated the fabric of our culture, and infected our imagination, more deeply than we usually think.—Martin Green. [1] [Americans] have produced very, very few anti-imperialists. Our idiom has been empire.—William Appleman Williams. [2] In a recent Intercept interview with the beautiful soul Mehdi Hassan, Noam Chomsky resumed[…]

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Beirut is Burning

by Andre Vltchek, published on Countercurrents, October 30, 2019 Tires are burning, smoke is rising towards the sky. It is October, the 18th day of the month, the capital city of Lebanon, in the past known as the “Paris of the East”, is covered in smoke. For years I was warning that the country governed by corrupt, indifferent elites, could[…]

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Trump Obama and Syria

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, October 16, 2019 Whether by mistake or design, Donald Trump is presiding over the – agonizing slow – demise of Barack Obama’s illegal and immoral scheme to overthrow the government of Syria using jihadist terror armies. “The unipolar world is no more.” Donald Trump presents more contradictions than perhaps any president in[…]

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Trump Shifts from Ending “Forever Wars” to Sending Tanks into Syria’s Oil Fields

By Bill Van Auken , published on World Socialist Website, 26 October 2019 US Defense Secretary Mark Esper Friday confirmed that Washington would leave military forces in Syria to maintain control of the country’s principal oil and gas fields. The Pentagon is “considering how we might reposition forces in the area in order to make sure that we secure the[…]

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U.S. Anti-war Movement Should Stay Focused on Getting U.S. Out Of Syria

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, October 23, 2019 Oct. 20 – The author visited Syria in 2014 and 2015 in small International Action Center solidarity delegations. At that time, no road in the country was safe and one-third of the population was displaced — taking refuge inside Syria or in surrounding countries. The schools, mosques, churches and community[…]

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US Has Backed 21 of the 28 ‘Crazy’ Militias Leading Turkey’s Brutal Invasion of Northern Syria

By Max Blumenthal, Published on The Grayzone, October 16, 2019 Former and current US officials have slammed the Turkish mercenary force of “Arab militias” for executing and beheading Kurds in northern Syria. New data from Turkey reveals that almost all of these militias were armed and trained in the past by the CIA and Pentagon. Footage showing members of Turkey’s[…]

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