Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Syria Charity Scam

by Paul Larudee, from Syria Solidarity Movement, January 5, 2020 Doctors Without Borders, the International Rescue Committee, the Syrian American Medical Society, the White Helmets, Islamic Relief USA, CARE and other major tax-deductible charities all advertise that they are providing humanitarian aid to Syrians. Their ads can be found in Facebook, Twitter and other social media on a regular basis.[…]

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Aleppo’s Liberation Four Years Ago: Lest We Forget

by Jan Oberg, initially published on The Transnational, December 13, 2020 A retrospective on the turning point in Syria, where the western powers drive to destroy the Syrian government and the fabric of Syrian society was checked and diverted into its current twisted formulation.   I think Jan is right that we should not forget what went before and how we[…]

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U.S. Role in Assassination of Iranian Scientist

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, November 30, 2020 The targeted assassination of top Iranian physicist and nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh on Nov. 27, and Donald Trump’s immediate approving Tweet, confirm the determination of U.S. and Israeli rulers to sabotage every possible effort for peace or normalization of relations with Iran or the region. The multi-pronged attack involved at[…]

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Two Massive New Leaks Show Dirty Underbelly of Empire

by Lee Camp, published on Consortium News, October 12, 2020 Most Americans don’t know reality. They know their personal reality, but unfortunately their reality is thoroughly detached from real pure, uncut reality. For example, do they know that police across the country work with corporations to criminalize journalism? Do they know that large PR companies created a false reality to[…]

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Yemen’s Never Ending War

Western Hegemony, Gulf State Despots and Modern-Day Genocide of the Yemeni People by Timothy Alexander Guzman, published on Global Research, October 21, 2020 Recently, US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden released a statement on his promise to end his country’s support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen saying that “under Biden-Harris Administration, we will reassess our relationship with the [Saudi[…]

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Following US Pressure, Aid to Yemen Falls to Just 25 Cents Per Day

by Alan MacLeod, Published on MintPress News, October 7, 2020 Home to what the United Nations has described as “the world’s worst humanitarian crisis,” Yemen is on the brink of total disaster after five years of protracted war. Yet crucial international aid to the country has been cut this year to just 25 cents per person, per day, around half of what[…]

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Franco-American Designs on Lebanon, A Post-Catastrophe Update

by As’ad AbuKhalil, published on Consortium News, September 13, 2020 Lebanon moves from one catastrophe to another; as if the blast at Beirut airport last month wasn’t enough. There was another fire there this week at Beirut port, an area that was subjected in August to government emergency laws. Those emergency laws put the Army command in charge of the[…]

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