Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Killer Capitalism Says “Back to Work!” in a Pandemic

by Jeff Mackler and James Fortin, published on Socialist Action, May 21, 2020 Over the past several weeks, daily new cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. have remained in the 22,000–25,000 range. By June 1, it is estimated that the number of deaths each day will rise to 3,000. Yet all 50 states now have begun lifting socially-protective measures aimed[…]

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COVID-19: Hunger Gnaws at the Edges of the World

by Vijay Prashad and Richard Pithouse, published on Consortium News, May 19, 2020 Produced by the TriContinental Institute What the International Monetary Fund calls the Great Lockdown sent 2.7 billion people into either full unemployment or near unemployment, with many people one or two days away from desperate poverty and hunger, according to the International Labour Organization. Starvation is already evident in many regions[…]

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Mass Joblessness Deepens in US as Corporations Move to Implement Permanent Layoffs

by Shannon Jones, published on World Wide Socialist Website, May 8, 2020 US government figures released today show mass unemployment in April unlike anything seen since the Great Depression, as the official unemployment rate hit 14.7 percent. According to the Department of Labor, 20.5 million jobs were lost in April, a number far larger than anything ever previously recorded. Looked[…]

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Are We About To Lose The US Postal Service?

By A Grand Alliance To Save The Postal Service, published on Popular Resistance, April 8, 2020 Bailout our public institutions before the corporations! NOTE: Popular Resistance is a member of A Grand Alliance to Save the Postal Service. We urge you to take action. Politico reports: “The U.S. Postal Service could be gone by June unless Congress immediately delivers billions[…]

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May Day 2020: ‘Capitalism is killing us!’

by Betsy Piette, published on Workers World, May 5, 2020 This year’s celebrations of May 1, International Workers’ Day, in the United States reflected the growing coast-to-coast fightback of workers confronting their bosses’ and the capitalist system’s total disregard for worker health and job safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The array of workers’ actions is historic, with essential workers in[…]

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Vital Health Care Workers Face Massive Layoffs

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, April 15, 2020 Health care workers are suddenly facing the largest layoffs and pay cuts in three decades. These workers are being justifiably lauded as the frontline of defense in a global pandemic. But rather than thanks, health care workers face hardships as administrators, investors and stockholders look first at the bottom line[…]

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Mayday = Worker Power

Workers World Editorial, April 30, 2019 Today, in 66 countries around the world, May Day — International Workers’ Day — is an official paid holiday commemorated on May 1. But not in the United States. While May Day originated here, the ruling class has done everything it can to eradicate any memory of this working-class holiday. As a result, International[…]

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COVID-19 and Black Workers

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report:Freedom Rider, April 1, 2020 The gross inequalities and declining standards of life in the US are magnified by the corona crisis, pushing already marginalized populations to the brink. “The supposedly great nation is just a failed state with a big army and a powerful oligarchy.” There is an old saying that if America[…]

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