Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

In the Spirit of Martin Luther King, Bessemer Workers Fight for Justice

by Monica Moorehead, published on Workers World, March 30, 2021 A historic union election concluded March 29 after 5,800 Amazon warehouse workers, over 80% of them African American, voted on whether to be represented by the Retail, Warehouse and Department Store Union in Bessemer, Ala., near Birmingham. It could take weeks or even months before the outcome of the vote[…]

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Garment Workers Win Historic Victory – But There is More To Do

by Loretto Graceffo, published on Waging Nonviolence, March 19, 2021 The PayUp campaign has clawed back $22 billion from apparel companies owed to factories and workers, and they’re just getting started. This is an interesting case study.  It is current yet I haven’t seen information about it anywhere until today. The original headline claims an overwhelming victory, but actually much[…]

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The Crucial Amazon Union Vote in Alabama

by Sam Pizzigati, published on Consortium News, March 9, 2020 Most every morning this winter, starting about 3:30 a.m., pro-union workers have been gathering on a stretch of public sidewalk outside Amazon’s gigantic year-old warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama. They stand by a traffic light. They wait for the light to turn red — and the chance to urge their fellow Amazon workers[…]

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On Feb. 20: U.S. cities in solidarity with #BAmazon workers

by Betsey Piette, published on Workers World, February 24, 2021 As Amazon workers in Bessemer, Ala., vote to unionize, they are gaining support.  On Feb. 20, demonstrations took place in solidarity with BAmazon workers in 50+ U.S. cities in 30 states, including several in the South. The National Day of Solidarity with BAmazon was called by the Southern Workers Assembly,[…]

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The Struggle Continues: Indian Protesters Resist State Terror

by Tanya Siddiqi, published on Workers World, February 3, 2021 In September 2020, India’s Parliament passed three “farm bills” intended to crush India’s workers. To serve capitalist interests, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, leader of the fascist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), lent his support to the bills depriving farms of current protections. He allowed corporate greed to further encroach on India’s[…]

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GM 1937, Amazon 2021: Which side are you on?

by Martha Grevatt, published on Workers World, February 2, 2021 Bessemer, Alabama, sitting on the outskirts of Birmingham and with a population of 26,500 — about 75% African American — has become a central focus for the entire class struggle. There, at Amazon warehouse BHM1, thousands of workers are fighting for a union. Over Amazon’s strident objections, the National Labor[…]

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Time to Rein in Amazon’s Empire

by Christy Hoffman, published on Consortium News, December 15, 2020 The world is entering an era of undeniable change that will be defined by our collective response to the human and economic devastation left by the pandemic. As Covid-19 continues to spread across the globe, Amazon´s rise to the top of the winner-take-all economy is a call to action to progressive forces who still believe in the politics of the common good and are willing to fight for the affirmation[…]

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