Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Muslim Philanthropist Dr. Rafil Dhafir Released From Prison After 17 Years

by Jack Cohen-Joppa, Published on The Nuclear Resister, May 15, 2020 On the morning of May 15, Dr. Rafil Dhafir was released to home confinement from the Allenwood federal prison in central Pennsylvania. The Iraqi-American physician who has worked internationally with Doctors Without Borders has been in federal prison since the day of his arrest more than 17 years ago[…]

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Women, Let’s Unite For Our Rights!

Women, Let’s Unite For Our Rights!   Defend Muslim Women in Quebec against Islamophobic Bill 62! By Tamara Hansen, originally published on Fire This Time This fall the Quebec provincial government passed Bill 62, also known as the “religious neutrality law.” While it refers to “neutrality,” the law is anything but, specifically requiring that Muslim women who wear the Burqa or[…]

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