Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Venezuela gov’t beats back attempted coup

Photo: Maduro was sworn in by Supreme Court President Maikel Moreno. (Presidential Press) By John Catalinotto, Published on Workers World, January 22, 2019 Bulletin, Jan. 22 — The Venezuelan Ministry of Defense announced today that the Bolivarian Armed Forces had repelled an attempted attack on their facilities in Caracas. At 2:50 a.m. local time, “A small group of assailants assigned[…]

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NICA-Act-2: US NICA Act Aims to Cut Nicaragua Access to Capital While Nicaragua Targets US Funding Pipeline to the Opposition

by Chuck Kaufman, from NicaNotes, December 19, 2018 The Nicaraguan government removed the legal standing last week of nine non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that supported the attempted coup that disrupted much of the country for three months last spring and summer. It should also be remembered that Violeta Chamorro removed the legal standing of nine NGOs when she was president from[…]

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NICA-Act-I: Nicaragua Reminds the US of its Debts

by Chuck Kaufman, from NicaNotes, August 22, 2017 Passage by the US House Foreign Affairs Committee of the ridiculous NICA Act brought a rebuff by the Sandinista government of President Daniel Ortega and a reminder of the US’s own unpaid debt to Nicaragua. The NICA Act (Nicaragua Investment Conditionality Act of 2017), if it became law, would require US representatives in multilateral lending institutions[…]

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We Can End The US War On Syria

Above: No War In Syria demonstration 2013 in Los Angeles, CA. Photograph by David Mcnew for Getty By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, Popular Resistance Newsletter, December 23, 2018 The US war against Syria was one that people almost stopped. President Obama was unable to get Congress to authorize the war in 2013, but the Pentagon and foreign policy establishment,[…]

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The Troika of Tyranny: The Imperialist Project in Latin America and Its Epigones

Image: A man sits in front of a mural in Caracas, Venezuela | Photo: Reuters by Roger D. Harris, from Dissident Voice, November 5, 2018 Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela are today threatened by US imperialism. The first salvo of the modern Age of Imperialism started back in 1898 when the US seized Cuba along with Puerto Rico and the Philippines[…]

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Imperial U.S. Hardens Sanctions Against the Revolutionary Government of Venezuela

by Alison Bodine, Published on Fire This Time, September, 2018 On August 6, 2018, thousands of people in Venezuela just marched in the streets of the capital city Caracas in support of President Nicolas Maduro and the Bolivarian revolutionary government of Venezuela. They marched despite the violence and terror that had been inflicted on their country with the August 4[…]

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Camilo Mejia Analyzes the Soft Coup Attempt in Nicaragua

At the Oakland event, Camilo showed a torture video which demonstrates opposition violence. | Photo: Reuters by Rick Sterling, published on TeleSUR, August 28, 2018 Western media have described the unrest and violence in Nicaragua as a ‘campaign of terror’ by government police and paramilitary. This has also been asserted by large non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In May, for example, Amnesty[…]

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Nicaragua’s Failed Coup

Supporters of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, whose resignation is being demanded by opposition students and business leaders. | Photo: Reuters by Charles Redvers, published on Open Democracy, August 9, 2018 While the international pressure continues, by mid-July it became clear that, for the time being at least, the opposition in Nicaragua no longer has sufficient local support to achieve its[…]

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