Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

U.S. war on the defenseless / Sanctions harm one-third of world’s people

by Sara Flounders, published on International Action Center, December 3, 2019 The most insidious and pervasive form of modern warfare by Wall Street and the Pentagon, acting in coordination, is passing largely unnoticed and unchallenged. This calculated attack is rolling back decades of progress in health care, sanitation, housing, essential infrastructure and industrial development all around the world. Almost every[…]

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Technocracy Now! The US Is Working to Turn Lebanon’s Anti-Corruption Protests Against Hezbollah

by Rania Khalek, published on The Grayzone, December 1, 2019 Lebanon erupted in massive protests this October. The demonstrations transcended sect and class, and quickly spread across the country. The movement was spurred by the levying of regressive taxes and the persistence of a corrupt neoliberal order that has mismanaged the economy and hollowed out the public sector while enriching[…]

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U.S. Role in Lebanon’s Crisis Goes Unrecognized

by As’ad Abukhalil, published on Consortium News, December 24, 2019 Of all the underlying causes of Lebanon’s current crisis, the role of the U.S. remains the least recognized, not only by Western media but also that of Lebanon. Search “Lebanon crisis” under “news” on Google and you are unlikely to find any headlines mentioning the U.S. A more targeted search[…]

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Eye Witness to a Massacre in Bolivia

by Medea Benjamin, published on MintPress News, November 22, 2019 I am writing from Bolivia just days after witnessing the November 19 military massacre at the Senkata gas plant in the indigenous city of El Alto, and the tear-gassing of a peaceful funeral procession on November 21 to commemorate the dead. These are examples, unfortunately, of the modus operandi of[…]

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U.S.-backed coup deposes Evo Morales in Bolivia

Workers World Bulletin: As of 4 p.m. EDT on Nov. 10, President Evo Morales has resigned his office in Bolivia, pushed out by a counterrevolutionary coup d’état backed by Washington. After part of the police force joined the counterrevolutionary gangs and the heads of the Armed Forces advised him to resign, Morales took this step as the best of bad[…]

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“It’s Now or Never”: Bolivian Elite Destroying the Country

by Edu Montesante, published in TeleSUR English, November 7, 2019 To the Bolivian upper classes, President Evo Morales has to resign even if forced by extreme violence, or through a civil war. “It’s now or never!“, said a family in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, gathered close to Christ the Redeemer statue where thousands of demonstrators and road blockers stay[…]

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US Congressional Panel Plots Next Phase of Dirty War on Syria: Occupy Oil Fields & Block Reconstruction

by Ben Norton, published on The Grayzone, October 23, 2019 Despite President Donald Trump’s order of a partial withdrawal of troops from Syria, the United States’ regime-change war against the country continues in broad daylight. At a U.S. -funded think tank at the forefront of shaping Washington’s interventionist designs, an American official succinctly laid out the continued-regime change strategy. Dana Stroul,[…]

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Dialectics of Change in Hong Kong: The contradiction of two antagonistic systems

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, September 10, 2019 What is the biggest problem that months of increasingly violent protests in Hong Kong have exposed? Many people, especially younger people, are trying to understand the turmoil in Hong Kong. A Sept. 4 Workers World article traced some roots of the current uprising to reactionary connections with imperialist agencies and[…]

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As the War Winds Down, Syria Is in the Early Stages of Recovery

by Judith Bello, September 20, 2019 I was privileged to attend the Third International Trade Union Forum in Solidarity with Syrian Workers and People To Break the Economic Sanctions and in Rejection of Imperial Interventions and Terrorism  in Damascus, Syria last week.   The Conference was hosted by the Syrian General Federation of Trade Unions, and I went as a representative[…]

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We Are Not Fooled By The Hong Kong Protests

By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, Popular Resistance, August 24, 2019 Update: Protests continued in Hong Kong this weekend. The protesters returned to the use of violence and the police responded. The South China Morning Post reported: “In a now familiar pattern, the protesters threw bricks, petrol bombs, corrosive liquid and other projectiles at the police, who responded with tear[…]

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