Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Coronavirus and the Antiwar Movement

UNAC Administrative Committee, 3/18/20 The coronavirus is serious, and our movement needs to take it seriously.  We must protect ourselves and each other.  These are the sentiments that brought us to the movement in the first place.  For a coalition like UNAC, which has always supported street demonstrations, face-to-face meetings and mass actions, we need to rethink our activity during[…]

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COVID-19 Exposes Failure of U.S. Health Care

Editorial published on Workers World, March 16, 2020 In this pandemic, people in the U.S. should be questioning why the current capitalist health care system seems unable to combat the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19. We should be demanding why U.S. officials — from the Trump administration to state and local health care departments — have let this crisis reach[…]

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The Fed’s Baffling Response to the Coronavirus Explained

by Ellen Brown, published on Global Research, March 12, 2020 When the World Health Organization announced on February 24th that it was time to prepare for a global pandemic, the stock market plummeted. Over the following week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped by more than 3,500 points or over 10%. In an attempt to contain the damage, on March[…]

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BigPharma’s Role: U.S. Sanctions Lead to Global Rise in Coronavirus

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, March 10, 2020 As COVID-19 (coronavirus) spreads, it is a clear reminder that germs and viruses don’t respect national boundaries in an interconnected world. But the mainstream press has certainly not publicized how corporate capitalism and imperialism cross national boundaries to destroy people’s health. The responsibility of U.S. corporate power, especially the medical-industrial[…]

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Amid Coronavirus Outbreak, Pressure Group Pushes to Stop Medicine Sales to Iran

by Eli Clifton, published on Global Research, March 5, 2020 Despite a massive coronavirus-related public health crisis, an anti-Iran pressure group with close ties to the Trump administration is urging major pharmaceutical companies to “end their Iran business,” focusing on companies with special licenses — most often under a broadly defined “humanitarian exemption” — to conduct trade with Iran. [Ed,[…]

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This Is the Time for Solidarity, Not Stigma

Vijay presents some perspectives on China’s handling of the Coronavirus crisis that you are likely unaware of.   He goes on to make some comparisons with other socialist and communist countries’ medical investment. (jb) by Vijay Prashad, published in Tricontinental Institute for Research Newsletter,  February 2020 n December 2019, several people began to develop infections in Wuhan (People’s Republic of China);[…]

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Pelosi Sabotages Medicare for All but Corporate Media Pretend Not To Notice

by Glen Ford, published on Black Agenda Report, February 14, 2019 When the top Democrat secretly plots to subvert a proposal supported by the vast majority of her party, that’s supposed to be news — unless the corporate media decide otherwise. “The plutocrat-owned press is protecting Pelosi from the extreme embarrassment.” Thanks to Bernie Sanders’ presidential bid in 2016, his[…]

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