Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

United States Imposed Economic Sanctions: The Big Heist

by Lauren Smith, published on MROnline, March 10, 2020 Since the start of the great recession in 2008 the U.S. has become increasingly dependent on the use of unilateral economic sanctions to achieve its policy objectives against its declared targets. Presently, sanctions impact one-third of humanity in 39 countries. Economic sanctions not only cause untold death and devastation to a[…]

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The Decade of Transformation: Remaking International Relations

by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, April 5, 2020 The coronavirus pandemic is magnifying the cruelty of US foreign policy. The economic collapse is showing the failure of neoliberalism and how the empire-economy is not working for the people of the world, including the United States. The US is losing its global dominance as it demonstrates[…]

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Sign the Petition: Support GE Workers to Build Ventilators Not Bombers!

(Signatures listed at the bottom of the page) More information:  General Electric is laying off workers due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.  However, they might have a better option.    According to a report on At General Electric, some plant workers walked off the job Monday because they want the company to shift factories to produce the much-needed ventilators increasingly sought[…]

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US Imperialism Pulls Desperate Move in Venezuela

United National Antiwar Coalition Statement For years, the criminal government of the United States has attempted to remove the democratically elected president of Venezuela and discredit the peoples’ movement in that country that has been so successful in lifting millions of Venezuelans out of extreme poverty. Under the corrupt Trump administration alone, the United States has conducted multiple illegal attacks[…]

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Coronavirus and the Antiwar Movement

UNAC Administrative Committee, 3/18/20 The coronavirus is serious, and our movement needs to take it seriously.  We must protect ourselves and each other.  These are the sentiments that brought us to the movement in the first place.  For a coalition like UNAC, which has always supported street demonstrations, face-to-face meetings and mass actions, we need to rethink our activity during[…]

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National Antiwar Conference Builds Unity, Plans Next Steps

by Scott Williams, posted on Workers World, February 26, 2020 New York Over 300 activists and organizers from across the U.S. and Canada met here on Feb. 21-23 for the United National Antiwar Coalition national conference, “Rise Against Militarism, Racism and the Climate Crisis – Building Power Together.” The opening plenum focused on the role of the U.S. anti-war movement[…]

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Bloomberg Wants to Swallow the Democrats and Spit Out the Sandernistas

by Glen Ford, published on Black Agenda Report, February 20, 2020 If, somehow, Bernie Sanders is allowed to win the nomination, Michael Bloomberg and other plutocrats will have created a Democratic Party machinery purpose-built to defy Sanders — as nominee, and even as president. “No one knows how much abuse and humiliation the Sanders faction is willing to endure to[…]

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UNAC Conference 2020: Rise Against Militarism, Racism and the Climate Crisis – Building Power Together

This conference is a major opportunity for networking with national activists and educating yourself about issues related to anti-imperialism, anti-war and opportunities for building a better society that supports the welfare of people and of the earth itself.  I hope you will join us in New York on February 21st (Ed) by Joe Lombardo,  published on Socialist Action, January,  2019[…]

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The World Demands US Out Of The Middle East – Will The US Listen?

by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, January 26, 2020 The world is saying no to war with Iran and US out of the Middle East. Hundreds of protests were held in the United States and around the world on Saturday with a unified voice of “No War.” These protests are in solidarity with massive protests in[…]

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Worldwide Furor Sparked by U.S. Assassination of Iran’s General Suleimani

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, January 16, 2020 The Trump administration’s January 3 drone missile assassination of Iran’s Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani just outside Iraq’s Baghdad airport brought the world to the brink of yet another catastrophic U.S. war. That the Iranian government would retaliate in a matter of days, if not hours, was unquestioned. But Iran’s response[…]

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