Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

“One less traitor”: Zelensky Oversees Campaign of Assassination, Kidnapping and Torture of Political Opposition

by Max Blumenthal and Eshna Krishnaswamy, published onThe Grayzone, April 17, 2022 This is pretty gross.   However it shows how the Ukrainian soldiers treat civilians and enemy soldiers.   It also belies the claims of the brave young Zelensky.   I guess I feel like you have to see it to believe it.  [jb] While claiming to defend democracy, Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky[…]

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Left-Right White Solidarity Basis of Support for U.S./EU/NATO Wars on Global Humanity

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Towards Freedom, February 1, 2022 Some years ago, Italian anarchist Camillo Berneri suggested that while not always visible in the social practices of everyday European life, the racist foundation for European fascism was still present, safely confined to a space in the European psyche, but always ready to explode in what he called a “racist[…]

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U.S./NATO threats heighten tension with Russia

by John Catalinotto, published on Workers World, December 22, 2021 Washington has threatened economic and diplomatic sanctions against Russia over the conflict with Ukraine and has raised the possibility of military action. In an interview with Fox News Dec. 7, Mississippi Republican Senator Roger Wicker even discussed U.S. troop intervention and a nuclear first strike! Moscow countered with a series[…]

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The Construction of Israel’s Gaza Concentration Camp is Complete

by Haidar Eid, published in Mondoweiss, December 10, 2021 Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a concentration camp as “a place where large numbers of people (such as prisoners of war, political prisoners, refugees, or the members of an ethnic or religious minority) are detained or confined under armed guard —used especially in reference to camps created by the Nazis in World War II[…]

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A Delusional Commitment to “Full Spectrum Dominance” is leading the U.S. and the World to Disaster

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, November 23, 2021 The 21st Century was supposed to be the century of continued and unchallenged global dominance by the U.S., at least that was the plan advanced by the right-wing political hacks at the Project for a New American Century (PNAC). Their optimism was understandable. With the dismantling of the Soviet[…]

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U.S. and Their Nazi Puppets in Ukraine Threaten War with Russia

by NOWG, published on Workers Voice, November 25, 2021 Fascist U.S. War Profiteers Are the Real Danger, Not Russia According to Avril Haines, the former head of the CIA and current director of national intelligence, Russia is on the verge of invading Ukraine. This is yet another lie brought to you by the same people who falsely claimed that Iraq had weapons of mass[…]

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Another fascist acquitted/Rittenhouse verdict sparks outrage

by Monica Moorehead, published on Workers World, November 23, 2021 The Kyle Rittenhouse trial and it’s outcome are indeed frightening.  Rittenhouse walked away from the trial without having an understanding that he did anything wrong.   On top of that, there were socially well off people lionizing him for his aggression reinforcing his image of himself as a beleaguered hero.  It[…]

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Contemptible Court Sentences Courageous Attorney for Contempt of Court

by Cliff Conner, published on Socialist Action, October 5, 2021 The arrogance and open spite of the judge in this case is profoundly disturbing. [jb] ON OCTOBER 1, 2021, the sun rose in the east and Steven Donziger was sentenced to prison. Both events were equally predictable, but only the latter was a consequence of the systematic corruption of what[…]

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