Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Western Aid: Myth and Reality

by Syed Ehtisham, published on Countercurrents, February 13, 2021 The West seeks to preserve present relations, which enable it to make immense profits by exploiting natural and manpower resources of the whole world. It also molds socioeconomic development of neo-colonial states to the purpose, by adopting development models, which will be based on foreign capital for finance, technology and know-how.[…]

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The Empire Fights Back: Gamestop Gamble Co-opted by Oligarchs of Wall Street

by Ben Carroll, published on Workers World, February 6, 2021 Over the last two weeks, blaring headlines and memes alike have proclaimed the opening of a new front expressing mass outrage at Wall Street — and in the most unlikely place: the stock market. “The war on Wall Street: GameStop sparks revolution with retail investors” announced Forbes magazine. “GameStop’s Reddit[…]

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The Negative Repercussions of “Sanctions”

by Pasqualina Curcio published on Resumen English, on February 1, 2021, from Caracas At the invitation of President Nicolás Maduro, Dr. Alena Douhan will visit our nation. Dr. Douhan is the Special Rapporteur of the UN Human Rights Commission covering the negative impact that unilateral coercive measures has on the enjoyment of human rights. She is coming to gather information[…]

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GameStop, Reddit, and What We Should All Know About the Stock Market

by Erica Kadel, published on FightBack News, January 29, 2021 Chicago, IL – The past few days have seen GameStop and Reddit become the meme-of-the-week and take significant headlines. Some media outlets are saying the recent turn of events “isn’t funny; it’s stupid” while celebrity billionaires like Elon Musk crack jokes on Twitter. Redditors are claiming that they are crashing[…]

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Three-Card Monte, Wall Street-Style

by Michael Brenner, published on Consortium News,  January 30, 2021 Background: This is not only an entertaining story but instructive.  Not too long ago, an enterprising young man bought stock in GameStop, a failing company that has (at least) sentimental value to other young people, and then drove the price up by bringing in other investors through intensive promotion on[…]

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UN Expert: Crippling US Sanctions on Syria

by Aaron Mate, published on Syria Solidarity Movement, January 15, 2021        (originally published on The Grayzone, January 14) Crippling US sanctions imposed under the Caesar Act are decimating war-ravaged Syrian civilians, are illegal, and should be lifted, the UN Special Rapporteur on sanctions says. An independent United Nations expert is calling on the US to lift its crippling sanctions[…]

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Time to Build a Movement to Cut Runaway Military Spending

Statement from U.S. Peace Council, August 3 2020 This statement was written last summer but the reality that drives it is more pertinent than ever.  We need to update these issues.   While Congress continues to bicker over whether or not to proceed and how they might proceed with monies to address the COVID-19 crisis, they calmly support budgeting hundreds of[…]

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How to Prevent 40 Million People from Being Evicted

by Jerusalem Demsas, published on Black Agenda Report, December 2, 2020 Millions of Americans face eviction in a “completely predictable and entirely preventable” crisis as the CDC’s moratorium is set to expire on New Year’s Eve. “Tenants could owe nearly $70 billion in back rent by year’s end.” Seven months into her fight to stay housed, 48-year-old Kimberly is furious. […]

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