Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

“The Most Unkindest Cut of All” A Rejoinder to “Syria and the ‘Anti-Imperialism’ of Fools”

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, May 14, 2021 A nice research piece that soundly rebuts an outrageous attack from the faux left on UNAC and other anti-imperialist antiwar organizations and press outlets. [jb] “Erasing people through disinformation: Syria and the ‘anti-imperialism’ of fools” is the title of a pitiful and tragically flawed signed statement that appeared on the[…]

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The End of Low Wage Work

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, May 12, 2021 The combination of unemployment and additional stimulus support has made staying home a better economic decision than working for peanuts under stressful conditions. “The opportunity to hear why workers make a logical choice is never heard.” The latest popular lament in the United States is not about how the[…]

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World Police: Washington Seeks to Imprison Foreign Businesspeople for Violating Illegal US Sanctions

by Stansfiield Smith, published on The Grayzone, April 27, 2021 In violation of international law, the US is seeking to extradite and imprison foreign business people for circumventing its unilateral sanctions. Washington’s targets include Venezuelan national Alex Saab, North Korean Mun Chol Myong, and Chinese Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou. (Aquí se puede leer este artículo en español.) The United States[…]

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EU-UN Conference Raises Donations to Maintain Syrian Stalemate

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, April 2, 2021 The European Union has co-chaired with the United Nations a conference on ‘Supporting the Future of Syria and of the Region‘, March 29-30.  This is the fifth EU donor conference on Syria claiming to pursue a peaceful and sustainable future for all Syrians. However, the actual focus is not on[…]

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Yemen Can’t Wait!

by Azza Rojbi, published on Medium, March 29, 2021 February 15, 2021, marks one year since the Saudi-led coalition’s horrific air raid on a residential area in Yemen’s northern province of al-Jawf. The bombing killed 35 people, including 25 children, and 18 children were amongst the 23 injured. According to the Yemen Data Project, “During 2020, air raids in #Yemen[…]

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Venezuela Denounces Freezing of Its Assets for Acquiring COVID-19 Vaccines

Published on Resumen LatinAmerica, March 25, 2021 The government of Venezuela presented a report this Wednesday concerning the looting of Venezuela’s assets located in other countries, a situation that has made acquisition of vaccines against COVID-19 more difficult, and which was caused by the machinations carried out by Juan Guaido. Venezuelan Executive Vice-president Delcy Rodriguez stated that the blockade of[…]

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Imperialism and Poverty

by Justin Podur, published on CounterPunch, March 16, 2011 I published the first half of this article here, because it so clearly explains the devastating effect of ‘modernization’ on colonized populations throughout the last couple of centuries.  It is important to remember this when we look at the current wars intended to force developing nations to develop in the righteous[…]

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Ending Poverty in the United States

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, March 17, 2021 President Franklin Roosevelt made profound changes in the US political-economic structure, while Joe Biden only does temporary patchwork on the late-stage capitalist carcass. “There isn’t even a pretense of ending poverty in the United States.” The propaganda campaign is in high gear on behalf of Joe Biden and the[…]

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U.S. calls Europe to Arms Against China, Russia

by Manlio Dinucci, published on Workers World, March 12, 2021 The EU-China Agreement on investments, signed Dec. 30 by the European Commission, may be rejected by members of the European Parliament on the grounds that Beijing violates human rights. This is the pretext behind which the real reason is hidden: the growing pressure exerted by the United States on Europe[…]

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