Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Real Looters Pocketed $11.7 Billion

by Dierdre Griswold, published on Workers World, June 5, 2020 Who are the real looters? They wear elegant business suits, not hoodies or jeans. They dine at fancy restaurants, not hotdog stands. They hang out in boardrooms, not on street corners. They don’t rob banks. They ARE the banks. They are the U.S. financiers who punish the poor by charging[…]

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Killer Capitalism Says “Back to Work!” in a Pandemic

by Jeff Mackler and James Fortin, published on Socialist Action, May 21, 2020 Over the past several weeks, daily new cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. have remained in the 22,000–25,000 range. By June 1, it is estimated that the number of deaths each day will rise to 3,000. Yet all 50 states now have begun lifting socially-protective measures aimed[…]

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COVID-19: Hunger Gnaws at the Edges of the World

by Vijay Prashad and Richard Pithouse, published on Consortium News, May 19, 2020 Produced by the TriContinental Institute What the International Monetary Fund calls the Great Lockdown sent 2.7 billion people into either full unemployment or near unemployment, with many people one or two days away from desperate poverty and hunger, according to the International Labour Organization. Starvation is already evident in many regions[…]

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Covid-10 and America: The Fire This Time

by Wilmer, J. Leon III, published on Black Agenda Report, May 6, 2020 It is immoral if not criminal for the US to increase sanctions through its “maximum pressure campaigns” against Venezuela, Iran, Cuba and Palestine. “Weaponizing disease for political purposes to bring about regime change is the same as germ warfare and should be considered a crime against humanity.” Time[…]

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Corporations and the Pandemic: Bandits at the Till

by James Fortin, published on Socialist Action, May 3, 2019 “The thieves did not even have to show their guns. The door was unlocked, and the till was left wide open. The robbers just scooped up the cash and left. Surely, the thieves had help. It was an inside job.” This not-so-imaginary account of a heist perfectly describes what corporations[…]

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Are We About To Lose The US Postal Service?

By A Grand Alliance To Save The Postal Service, published on Popular Resistance, April 8, 2020 Bailout our public institutions before the corporations! NOTE: Popular Resistance is a member of A Grand Alliance to Save the Postal Service. We urge you to take action. Politico reports: “The U.S. Postal Service could be gone by June unless Congress immediately delivers billions[…]

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Is There Any Better Time Than Now For a General Strike?

by Sonali Kolhatkar, published on Counterpunch, April 21, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into stark relief the inequalities baked into the U.S.’s capitalist system—one that deems nurses and grocery workers “essential,” but leaves them with just as few rights and privileges as they had before the crisis struck. The scenario before us, where society depends more than ever on[…]

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The Era Of Mass Strikes Begins On May 1, First Day Of General Strike Campaign

by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, April 26, 2020 On Friday, May 1, an ongoing General Strike campaign begins. This campaign could become the most powerful movement in the United States and reset the national agenda. It comes when the failures of the US political system have been magnified by the COVID-19 pandemic, which triggered an[…]

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