Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Two New Disappointments for the Coup Planners in Venezuela

By Marco Teruggi, translation published on Resumen, North America Bureau, March 11, 2020 Yesterday Caracas witnessed a mobilization called by Juan Guaido and another by Chavismo. What should have been an overwhelming opposition action failed to make an impact and clearly showed the division in the ranks of the opposition, an element that has forced the strategy of the United[…]

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Technocracy Now! The US Is Working to Turn Lebanon’s Anti-Corruption Protests Against Hezbollah

by Rania Khalek, published on The Grayzone, December 1, 2019 Lebanon erupted in massive protests this October. The demonstrations transcended sect and class, and quickly spread across the country. The movement was spurred by the levying of regressive taxes and the persistence of a corrupt neoliberal order that has mismanaged the economy and hollowed out the public sector while enriching[…]

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U.S.-backed coup deposes Evo Morales in Bolivia

Workers World Bulletin: As of 4 p.m. EDT on Nov. 10, President Evo Morales has resigned his office in Bolivia, pushed out by a counterrevolutionary coup d’état backed by Washington. After part of the police force joined the counterrevolutionary gangs and the heads of the Armed Forces advised him to resign, Morales took this step as the best of bad[…]

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“It’s Now or Never”: Bolivian Elite Destroying the Country

by Edu Montesante, published in TeleSUR English, November 7, 2019 To the Bolivian upper classes, President Evo Morales has to resign even if forced by extreme violence, or through a civil war. “It’s now or never!“, said a family in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, gathered close to Christ the Redeemer statue where thousands of demonstrators and road blockers stay[…]

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Hong Kong Protests: Why Imperialists Support ‘Democracy’ Movement

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, October 7, 2014 Demonstrations in Hong Kong, China, raising demands on the procedures to be followed in city elections in 2017, have become an international issue and a source of political confusion. The protests, called Occupy Central, have received enormous and very favorable U.S. media coverage. Every news report describes with great enthusiasm[…]

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In Venezuela 23F ended up ‘one more collapsed coup’

Photo: US Solidarity Delegation to Venezuela From Workers World, 3/25/2019 The following are excerpts from an interview by Mario Hernández with Argentine economist and political analyst Claudio Katz published by on March 20. ( Translated by Michael Otto. Mario Hernández: You wrote an article in La Haine, “Venezuela defines the future of the entire region.” Why? Claudio Katz: Because[…]

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US Regime Change Blueprint Proposed Venezuelan Electricity Blackouts as ‘Watershed Event’

Photo: Guri Dam in Venezuela By Max Blumenthal, Published on the Consortium News,  March 12, 2019 A September 2010 memo by a U.S.-funded soft power organization that helped train Venezuelan coup leader Juan Guaidó and his allies identifies the potential collapse of the country’s electrical sector as “a watershed event” that “would likely have the impact of galvanizing public unrest in a[…]

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The Troika of Tyranny: The Imperialist Project in Latin America and Its Epigones

Image: A man sits in front of a mural in Caracas, Venezuela | Photo: Reuters by Roger D. Harris, from Dissident Voice, November 5, 2018 Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela are today threatened by US imperialism. The first salvo of the modern Age of Imperialism started back in 1898 when the US seized Cuba along with Puerto Rico and the Philippines[…]

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NED Boasts of “Laying the Groundwork for Insurrection” in Nicaragua

As Nicaraguan student protest leaders meet with neoconservatives in Washington, DC, a publication funded by the US government’s regime change arm, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), boasts of spending millions of dollars “laying the groundwork for insurrection” against Daniel Ortega By Max Blumenthal, originally published on the Grayzone Project, June 19, 2018 While some corporate media outlets have portrayed[…]

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