Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

In Nobody’s Backyard: Rejecting Geo-Political and Historical Fatalism

By Gerard Perierra, published on Tortilla Con Sal,  July 29, 2021 Except for the hum of US helicopters flying overhead, there was a deafening silence throughout the Caribbean region, during the recent Operation Tradewinds, Progressive and Pan-African forces did not utter a word, as soldiers from Guyana, Brazil, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago participated[…]

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Cuba’s Streets Belong to Revolutionaries

Prepared for by Juan Diego Nusa Peñalver, Yudy Castro Morales and Milagros Pichardo Pérez, published on Workers World, July 13, 2021 “We are here because the streets belong to Fidel, because the streets of Cuba belong to revolutionaries.” This was the phrase we heard the loudest walking along several Havana avenues Sunday afternoon, July 11, when an entire people[…]

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Standing With the Cuban People

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, July 23, 2021 The current Black-centered Cuban protest operation is very well orchestrated and if Black people in this country are not careful, they will end up amplifying the dictates of U.S. imperialism. “The same people who claim concern for the Cuban people are also in favor of continuing their suffering.” The Movement[…]

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The Hidden Hand of the US Blockade Sparks Cuba Protests

by Medea Benjamin and Leonardo Flores,  published on CommonDreams, July 13, 2021 Protests erupted in various Cuban cities the weekend of July 11 over dire economic conditions and a surge in Covid-19 cases. They are the biggest protests to hit Cuba in three decades, and they may well continue in the coming weeks. They come on the heels of artists’[…]

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Under Imperialism, Multiple Crises Deepen in Haiti

by G. Dunkel, published on Workers World, July 19, 2021 Haitian authorities have arrested Colombian mercenaries and Haitian-Americans and charged them with participating in the July 7 assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse. But murky questions still remain: Who organized the attempted coup? Who paid the mercenaries? Who will benefit? Moïse was the only person killed in the attack, although[…]

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Defend the Cuban Revolution and Struggle for More Socialism Not Less

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Black Agenda Report, July 15, 2021 Millions have turned away from the illusions and corruption of capitalism toward the possibility of organizing a society informed by the values of cooperation, equality, community, peace, and life. “Capitalism transforms water into a commodity, food into a luxury, education into an impossibility and basic healthcare into a distant[…]

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Turmoil no excuse for invasion – U.S. hands off Haiti!

by G. Dunkel, published on Workers World, July 13, 2021 In Haiti, around 1:00 a.m., July 7, brand new SUVs without license plates pulled up to the private residence of President Jovenel Moïse in Pétion-Ville. A team of assassins got out, slipped through his security and shot him dead. His spouse was severely injured. President Joe Biden has expressed reluctance[…]

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Hands off Cuba! End the Blockade!

Statement by the United National Antiwar Coalition The United National Antiwar Coalition stands firmly with the Cuban people and their revolutionary government against any US intervention in Cuba’s affairs. We continue our calls to lift the punitive US blockade of Cuba that has caused humanitarian shortages [and been tightened] during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The recent disruptions inside Cuba have[…]

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The Killing of Jovenel Moise Must Not be an Excuse for U.S. Intervention U.S. Hands off Haiti

United National Antiwar Coalition Statement The assassination of Haitian president Jovenel Moise is yet another tragic event for the people of that country. His death only creates new traumas for Haiti. Moise was the latest United States installed puppet, whose administration continued in defiance of Haiti’s constitution which in fact required him to step down in February 2021. Haitians in[…]

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