Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Leaked Documents Show Brazil’s Bolsonaro Has Grave Plans for Amazon Rainforest

by Manuella Libardi, published on Open Democracy, August 21, 2019 Leaked documents show that Jair Bolsonaro’s government intends to use the Brazilian president’s hate speech to isolate minorities living in the Amazon region. The PowerPoint slides, which democraciaAbierta has seen, also reveal plans to implement predatory projects that could have a devastating environmental impact. The Bolsonaro government has as one[…]

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Neoliberalism Has Met its Match in China

by Ellen Brown, published on Truthdig, August 7, 2019 When the Federal Reserve cut interest rates last week, commentators were asking why. According to official data, the economy was rebounding, unemployment was below 4% and gross domestic product growth was above 3%. If anything, by the Fed’s own reasoning, it should have been raising rates. Market pundits explained that we’re[…]

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Puerto Rico Rises Up

by Jason Cohen, published on Workers World, July 23, 2019 The souls of Puerto Ricans everywhere should burn with indignation as they read through the text messages by Gov. Ricardo Rossello and members of his administration written in a group chat. On July 13, the Center for Investigative Journalism in Puerto Rico published 900 pages of the messages. The contents[…]

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Austerity and Militarism

In the U.S. They are Never Called Human Rights Violations, but They Both Kill by Ajamu Baraka, June 19, 2019 Trump’s 2020 budget proposal reflects another significant increase in military spending along with corresponding cuts in spending by Federal agencies tasked with the responsibility for providing critical services and income support policies for working class and poor people. Trump’s call[…]

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Assembly of Yellow Vests says, ‘We must abandon capitalism’

By Rémy Herrera, Published on Workers World,  April 16, 2019 “Act 21” of the Yellow Vests took place on Saturday, April 6, as their demonstrations have every week for almost five months.  But a parallel event was held from April 5 to 7 in the evening in Saint-Nazaire, in Loire-Atlantique, which will certainly influence the course of future struggles in[…]

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Challenges Posed by the Green New Deal

In November, members of the Sunrise Movement, joined by newly elected Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, sat in at Rep. Pelosi’s office to demand a Green New Deal (Photo: Sunrise Movement) By Kamran Nayeri, from Socialist Action, January 16, 2019 The fanfare about the UN Conference of Parties (COP) 24 in Katowice, located in a coal-mining region in Poland, that the diplomats from[…]

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What’s the Real Cause of California’s Wildfire Disaster?

Photo by Bob Dass: Firescape from Highway 175, Lake County, California Some active fires in the distance. In the middle ground, the burned area (black), the fire breaks, and the red fire retardant.  Mount Konocti on the far right. Mount Konocti is an old volcano, that last erupted 11,000 years ago. This entire area (and much of California) was shaped[…]

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