Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Black Alliance for Peace Condemns Continued U.S./OAS/UN Support for Unconstitutional Actions by Haiti’s Illegitimate Government

Black Alliance for Peace Press Release, July 6, 2021 Over eight days, from June 25-30, Haiti had been subjected to increasing state-sponsored, imperial and gang violence. Massacres killed almost 60 people in Port au Prince, including in Cité Soleil, Delmas and Pétionville, as well as on on Rue Magloire Ambroise. Prominent human-rights activist Antoinette (Netty) Duclaire and journalist Diego Charles[…]

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‘American’ Imperialism is Back – Biden, Blinken, Burns and Austin

by John Catalinotto, published on Workers World, June 22, 2021 Joe Biden ended his weeklong diplomatic trip to Europe June 17 and returned to Washington. It revealed what he meant by “America is back.” Washington aims to retain its place directing the superrich ruling class worldwide. Biden met with the richest and most powerful imperialist leaders in the G7 in[…]

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U.S. Empire Deploys Its Troops for Battle

by Manlio Dinucci, published on Workers World, June 18, 2021 Printed first in, June 15, excerpted here. The NATO Summit took place yesterday at NATO headquarters in Brussels, at the highest level of state and government leaders. It was officially chaired by Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, de facto by U.S. President Joseph Biden, who came to Europe to call to[…]

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Leftist Anti-Anti-Imperialism

by Roger D. Harris, published on Black Agenda Report, June 9, 2021 The phony Left dabbles in R2P interventions and claims the world is plagued by a plethora of imperialisms, thus letting the superpower and its allies off the hook. “The true anti-imperialist stance is no intervention – humanitarian or otherwise.” Academic Gilbert Achcar, in an article originally in New Politics[…]

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Empire and the Palestine Carnage: Immediate Actions

by Dan Freeman-Maloy, published on Mondoweiss, May 23, 2021 The racial-justice pretenses of empire have been burned alongside bodies in Gaza. These are days of horror and grief – but also, and necessarily, of anti-racist rage. Anti-fascists and anti-racists have thus far been unable to block the murderers from killing and bring them to justice. This is a wrenching fact,[…]

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Palestine is a Mirror Into the Contemporary World Struggle Against Imperialism and its Contradictions

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, May 27, 2021 One cannot logically support the liberation of Palestine while simultaneously advocating regime change in Syria and Venezuela and obscene funding for the US military. “Palestinians deserve full solidarity in their ongoing struggle to liberate themselves and their land.” Unity among the people of colonized Palestine has engendered a violent[…]

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World Police: Washington Seeks to Imprison Foreign Businesspeople for Violating Illegal US Sanctions

by Stansfiield Smith, published on The Grayzone, April 27, 2021 In violation of international law, the US is seeking to extradite and imprison foreign business people for circumventing its unilateral sanctions. Washington’s targets include Venezuelan national Alex Saab, North Korean Mun Chol Myong, and Chinese Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou. (Aquí se puede leer este artículo en español.) The United States[…]

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How Syria Divided Palestine Solidarity

Nora Barrows-Friedman and Asa Winstanley interview Rania Khalek for Electronic Intifada Podcast, April 23,2021 This is a very important topic that people are more likely to argue about than discuss, although the hard line has somewhat softened recently.   It is especially important because the propaganda and lies are once again being ramped up in the press. Rania Khalek, an Arab[…]

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Cuba and the Historic Generation that the U.S. Could Not Kill

By Alejandra Garcia, published on Resumen English, April 20, 2021 This Monday, Cuba closed the doors of its most important political event of 2021: the eighth Congress of the Communist Party (PCC). Following four days of sessions, 60 years after the failure of the US invasion of the island, the historic generation of the Revolution took the podium to announce[…]

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The US Can’t Control the World

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, April 7, 2021 Slow-witted Joe Biden appears to think that we’re still in the age of the sole superpower, when in fact that era has come and gone. “China’s Belt and Road Initiative involves countries on every continent and provides opportunity where the western nations offer only debt and subjugation.” As this columnist[…]

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