Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Altruism and Sadism in Public Policy

by David Swanson, published on Let’s Try Democracy, June 24, 2018 Remarks at Peace Resource Center of San Diego, June 23, 2018. There are three things that are almost always underestimated: the U.S. military budget, altruism, and sadism. First, the military budget. The U.S. military budget, including all things military in various departments, is roughly 60% of federal discretionary spending,[…]

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NED Boasts of “Laying the Groundwork for Insurrection” in Nicaragua

As Nicaraguan student protest leaders meet with neoconservatives in Washington, DC, a publication funded by the US government’s regime change arm, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), boasts of spending millions of dollars “laying the groundwork for insurrection” against Daniel Ortega By Max Blumenthal, originally published on the Grayzone Project, June 19, 2018 While some corporate media outlets have portrayed[…]

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Nikki Haley: Damn the UN Human Rights Council and the Rest of You Too

by Ann Garrison, originally published on Black Agenda Report, June 20, 2018 “More censure of Israel is no doubt in the works, given Israel’s latest massacres in Gaza.” On Tuesday, June 19, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley announced US withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) now meeting in Geneva. The UNHRC is stacked with human rights abusers including[…]

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MOVE Member Debbie Africa Released

by Betsey Piette,  posted on Workers World,  June 17, 2018 Philadelphia — In the early morning of June 16, after nearly 40 years of unjust imprisonment by the state of Pennsylvania, political prisoner and MOVE 9 member Debbie Sims Africa was granted parole and released from the State Correctional Institution-Cambridge Springs. Messaging on Instagram, the MOVE Organization wrote: “Our sister[…]

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Working People Have No Stakes In a Trade War

President Donald Trump, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde, and Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel at the G7 summit in Québec, on June 9.  (Photo: Yves Herman / Reuters) A joint statement by Socialist Action (U.S.) and Socialist Action/Ligue pour l’action socialiste in the Canadian state. The recent imposition of a 25% tariff on steel imports to the United States and[…]

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Open Letter to Amnesty International

Open Letter to Amnesty International by a Former Amnesty International Prisoner of Conscience By Camilo E. Mejia, Latin America in Movement, June 14, 2018 ** Through this letter I express my unequivocal condemnation of Amnesty International with regards to the destabilizing role it has played in Nicaragua, my country of birth. I open this letter quoting Donatella Rovera, who at the time this[…]

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Teacher Strikes: New Beginning for Labor?

By Jeff Mackler, originally posted on Socialist Action North Carolina teachers capped off two months of unprecedented national teacher militancy as they rallied 20,000 strong at the state capitol on May 16. During their one-day “sick leave” strike, the teachers closed down 40 local school districts with one million students. As with the previous five statewide teacher strikes in 2018,[…]

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Deadly siege of Yemeni port of Hodeidah begins with Washington’s aid and approval

Editor’s note: This article describes an emerging crisis within a long term catastrophe for the people of Yemen.   Ex President Abd Mansur Rabbuh Hadi and the nephew of Ali Abdullah Saleh, referred to in teh mainstream press as representing the ‘Government of Yemen’ are competing for a puppet throne, but have no legitimacy on the ground in Yemen.   by Bill[…]

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