Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

The Bizarre Facebook Path to Corporate Facism

by Glen Ford, originally published on Black Agenda Report “The Facebook intervention is a qualitative escalation of the McCarthyite offensive.” Facebook has assumed additional political police powers, disrupting a planned counter-demonstration against white supremacists, set for August 12th in Washington, on the grounds that it was initiated and inspired by “Russians” as part of a Kremlin campaign to “sow dissension”[…]

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Israel arrests 6 Palestinian, 2 foreign journalists, in the span of one week

Palestinian journalist clash with Israeli soldiers, Middle East Monitor, October 19, 2017 by Yumna Patel, originally published on Mondoweiss In the middle of the night, just before dawn, Israeli forces raided a village in the central West Bank to arrest a Palestinian — a daily occurrence in the occupied Palestinian territory. The target of Monday’s raid on the village of[…]

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Flotilla Passengers Released by Israel; Many Battered and Bruised; USS Liberty Survivor Held Days

by Ann Wright, originally posted on Consortium News, August 9, 2018 U.S. Navy Signalman Joe Meadors was standing watch on deck of the USS Liberty off the coast of Gaza on June 8, 1967 when a 90-minute aerial and sea attack by Israel against the ship killed 34 U.S. sailors and wounded 174 . Meadors watched as the Israeli military[…]

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Stop Inhumane Policies Against Migrants!

By The Fourth International Bureau, originally published on Socialist Action, July 28, 2018 Children separated from their families and caged in Trump’s USA, thousands drowning as they cross the Mediterranean, boats transporting migrants refused the right to dock by Salvini’s Italy, Orban’s Hungary declaring that helping refugees is a crime, 370 thousand Rohingya fleeing from to Bangladesh after another military[…]

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Robert Fisk: “I Traced Al-Qaeda Missile Casings In Syria Back To Their Original Sellers”

Image: A prior spent missile tube in Syria with “Hughes Aircraft Company” listed as manufacturer which surfaced in 2014 (not part of the same batch of weapons analyzed in Fisk’s report). Notice the attempt to scratch off the serial numbers. Via Armament Research Services by Tyler Durden, originally published on Zero Hedge Finally, a journalist for a mainstream UK media outlet[…]

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Colombia Fact Sheet

Editor’s Note: If you have been following the MSM on Columbia, you may think the peacemaking initiatives in Columbia are working towards a just future for the Colombian people rather than an extension of the pacification policies of the past.  You need to think again. Alliance for Global Justice Fact Sheet to support the August Days for Peace in Columbia.[…]

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The Case Against Daniel Ortega

Image: Telesur Live broadcast, July 19. 2540 views at the time this article was 1st published. by Chuck Kaufman, originally posted on The Alliance for Global Justice website, July 25, 2018 The Nicaragua Network/Alliance for Global Justice and I have recently been called Orteguistas (Ortega supporters). We used to be called Danielistas before it became necessary to the narrative to[…]

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