Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Activists Resist Proposed Rules to Curtail Protest in the Parks and Streets of Washington DC

Image: 1971 protest against the Vietnam War Popular Resistance submitted this articulate and detailed comment in opposition to proposed changes by the National Park Service intended to curtail public use of the parks in Washington DC for the purpose of protest actions and civilian gatherings to “petition the Government [notably located in Washington DC) for a redress of grievances”.  by[…]

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Connecticut Victims of Police Brutality

Image: Zoe Dowdell, popular musician, shot dead by police at age 20 By Ruwan Munasinghe — HARTFORD, Conn. — On Dec. 14, 2017, Hartford lost one of its greatest legends when 20-year-old Zoe Dowdell—also known as Gangstalicious—was shot and killed by New Britain police. Caleb Tisdol and Noah Young (also known as “Skinny”), the others in the car, were convicted[…]

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The Silence as Manipulation

by Rosa Miriam Elizalde, from Resumen Latinoamericano,  October 2, 2018 Readers and spectators, political parties, movements of various kinds, secret services, hackers, journalists and central animators of the Internet (Twitter, Facebook, youtube, Google, Instagram, etc.) make up a vast market of manipulation. This is not coming from “communist propaganda”, but scientists from prestigious universities and independent centers in Europe and the[…]

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Kavanaugh’s Confirmation in Context

Photo: Sept. 29 March to End Rape in Philadelphia. ~Michael Canelori / NurPhoto By Ann Montague,  Published on Socialist Action, October 7, 2018 Outrage continues to spread throughout the United States over President Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh, currently on the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, has been roundly criticized for[…]

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Even In “Revolutionary Countries” Mass Media Is Still In The Hands Of The Right

by Andre Vltchek, from Countercurrents Blog, October 7, 2018 How could a country win her fight against Western imperialism, how could it become truly independent, if its people are fully conditioned, through the mass media and education, by the North American and European doctrines and world view? Wherever I work and struggle in this world, I am always amazed, even[…]

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The Economic Atom Bombing of Syria

The United States, the European Union, the Arab League, Turkey, Canada and Australia have collectively taken measures since 2011, and the United States since 1979, to destroy Syria’s economy. The measures are illegal under international law, which prohibits states from using economic pressure, outside the framework of the UN Security Council, to coerce other states. With Syrians fleeing sanctions-induced economic[…]

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Trump, Racism and Immigration, An Interview with Margaret Kimberley

by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume and Margaret Kimberley “We need to talk about replacing the Democrats and having a truly progressive party.” In mid-August, I enjoyed the great pleasure of meeting Margaret Kimberley for lunch in midtown Manhattan. Ms. Kimberley is an editor and senior columnist for Black Agenda Report, a member of Administration Committee for United National Antiwar Coalition ,[…]

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Syria and the S-300s: Recentering the People in the Global Struggles for Power

Protecting Russian interests in Syria and the Mid-East was and is the driving force for Russian military and diplomatic activity, nothing else! “The corporate grip on opinion in the United States is one of the wonders of the Western world [….] No First World country has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media all objectivity, much less dissent.”—[…]

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