Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Does Anyone Take BDS Seriously?’

by Alice Rothchild, published on Mondoweiss, August 1, 2019 Eric Alterman’s July 29 New York Times opinion piece asks: “Does Anyone Take the B.D.S. Movement Seriously?” Alterman argues that the BDS campaign (boycott, divestment and sanctions) is all symbolism without any real substance or economic impact and that support for BDS has become an empty progressive catch phrase. I feel[…]

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US Scrapping of INF Treaty Heightens Threat of Nuclear War

By Bill Van Auken, published on World Socialist Website, August 3, 2019 Washington formally scrapped the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty Friday, bringing the world a major step closer to nuclear war. The treaty, signed over 30 years ago by US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, banned a whole class of weapons that had placed the world[…]

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The Myths, the Silence, and the Propaganda That Keep Nuclear Weapons in Existence

Remarks by David Swanson, August 4, 2019, Poulsboro, WA This week, 74 years ago, the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were each hit with a single nuclear bomb that had the power of a third to a half of what NPR calls a low-yield or “usable” weapon. By NPR I mean both the Nuclear Posture Review and National Public Radio,[…]

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Sanctions Kill: Economic Warfare and the Migration Crisis (Video)

by Sara Flounders published on the Peace Report Station on Youtube, July 25, 2019 Sara gives an excellent lecture on the recent history, the political and economic components of international sanction  and the context of modern siege warfare. Sara Flounders is an American political writer who has been active in ‘progressive’ and anti-war organizing since the 1960s.  Sara is Co-Director[…]

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Syria Forming a New Constitutional Draft Committee

Steven Sahiounie,  Published on the Middle East Observer,  August 5, 2019 UN Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen said, “I’m very pleased that now we seem to be closer to establishing the constitutional committee,” Syria’s post-war government and new constitution are seen as crucial components of the Syrian peace process which could see the end of the 8-year conflict. A 150-member committee made up[…]

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The 9% Lie: Industrial Food and Climate Change

by Ronnie Cummins, published on Countercurrents, July 27, 2019 The Climate Emergency is finally getting the attention of the media and the U.S. (and world) body politic, as well as a growing number of politicians, activists and even U.S. farmers. This great awakening has arrived just in time, given the record-breaking temperatures, violent weather, crop failures and massive waves of forced[…]

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