Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Challenging the Flawed Premise Behind Pushing GMOs into Indian Agriculture

by Colin Todhunter, published on Countercurrents, January 17, 2020 A common claim is that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are essential to agriculture if we are to feed an ever-growing global population. Supporters of genetically engineered (GE) crops argue that by increasing productivity and yields, this technology will also help boost farmers’ incomes and lift many out of poverty. Although in[…]

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Trump is a Criminal but the Democrats Belong to the Same Mafia

by Glen Ford, published on Black Agenda Report, January 9, 2020 The Republicans and Democrats are united under the American imperial banner, and only differ on details of strategy to maintain Washington’s global domination. “None can be free of the scourge of war – the ultimate crime against humanity, from which all others flow – while the warmakers are in[…]

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The Latest and Most Reckless US Imperial Act

by Patrick Lawrence, published on Consortium News, January 21, 2020 Of all the preposterous assertions made since the drone assassination of Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad on Jan. 3, the prize for bottomless ignorance must go to the bottomlessly ignorant Mike Pompeo. Speaking after the influential Iranian general’s death, our frightening secretary of state declaimed on CBS’s Face the Nation, “There[…]

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Under US Pressure, Social Media Companies Censor Critical Content and Suspend Venezuelan,Iranian and Syrian Accounts

by Ben Norton, published on  The Grayzone, January 12, 2020 The Donald Trump administration is ramping up its information war against Venezuela, Iran, and Syria. And it has enlisted social media platforms as weapons in its assault on these top regime-change targets. In the first two weeks of January, Twitter suspended dozens of accounts run by real, live people —[…]

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Worldwide Furor Sparked by U.S. Assassination of Iran’s General Suleimani

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, January 16, 2020 The Trump administration’s January 3 drone missile assassination of Iran’s Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani just outside Iraq’s Baghdad airport brought the world to the brink of yet another catastrophic U.S. war. That the Iranian government would retaliate in a matter of days, if not hours, was unquestioned. But Iran’s response[…]

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The World Must End The US’ Illegal Economic War

By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, January 12, 2020 The United States is relying more heavily on illegal unilateral coercive measures (also known as economic sanctions) in place of war or as part of its build-up to war. In fact, economic sanctions are an act of war that kills tens of thousands of people each year[…]

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Millions protest anti-Muslim laws in India

by Joe Piette, published on Workers World, January 8, 2020 Millions of people have taken to the streets in India in massive protests to denounce Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s policies that pose immediate threats to Muslims and their citizenship rights. On Dec. 11, he orchestrated passage of the Citizenship Amendment Act, a discriminatory amendment to India’s existing citizenship laws. Critics[…]

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Puerto Rico: Three Years for History

By José E. Rivera Santana, published on Resumen, January 9, 2020 This comprehensive article on contemporary Puerto Rico was written just before a devastating 6.4 earthquake hit Puerto Rico on January 7 knocking out power to a half-million people and leaving thousands homeless. Trump, however, didn’t even blink as he pushed more resources and military personal towards war against Iran.[…]

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The Thick Blue Line: How the United States Became the World’s Police Force

by Patrick Blanchfield, published on Black Agenda Report, December 18, 2019 Many of the tools and tactics adopted by American police over the past half century were originally deployed to fight communism abroad. “The era of intensified American policing that began in the 1960s cannot be understood outside the context of the Cold War national-security state.” Stuart Schrader Badges Without[…]

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