Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

For Biden Administration, Black Lives Don’t Matter in Haiti!

Statement from Black Alliance for Peace, February 12, 2021 The people of Haiti have been demanding freedom from the succession of U.S.-imposed dictators for decades. One such dictator, Jovenel Moïse, refused to leave office February 7, which marked the end of his term four years after an illegal election. This move catapulted yet another intense episode in the historic struggle[…]

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As Biden returns “civilization” to Washington…Capitalism Cannot Be Reformed

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, February 9, 2021 Capitalist “civilization” returned to the nation’s capitol on Jan. 20, Joseph Biden’s Inauguration Day. Replete with 25,000 troops forming an iron ring around the few thousand establishment dignitaries gathered to pay homage to the new president, with deep roots in America’s racist, warmongering past and present, the event aimed at[…]

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Solidarity with Evaluating Biden’s Yemen policy: Bait and switch

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, February 8, 2021 Feb. 7 — President Joe Biden seemed to announce an end to Washington’s complete support for Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen last week, reversing Trump’s and even the Obama/Biden administration’s public policy. He called the war a “humanitarian and strategic catastrophe.” In his first presidential foreign policy speech on Feb.[…]

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The Antiwar Movement Must Not Go Back To Sleep During The Biden Presidency

by Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, February 7, 2021 On Saturday, members of the administrative committee of the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), on which I serve, spoke on a webinar about the importance of building and strengthening the antiwar, anti-imperialist movement during Biden’s presidency. UNAC was founded during the summer of 2010 as it became clear that the[…]

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The Struggle Continues: Indian Protesters Resist State Terror

by Tanya Siddiqi, published on Workers World, February 3, 2021 In September 2020, India’s Parliament passed three “farm bills” intended to crush India’s workers. To serve capitalist interests, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, leader of the fascist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), lent his support to the bills depriving farms of current protections. He allowed corporate greed to further encroach on India’s[…]

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The Biden Administration: The Return of Neoliberal Madness?

Statement from The Black Alliance for Peace, February 9, 2021 The picture had started to form in Biden’s first 48 hours, but now it is crystal clear: The Biden-Harris administration intends to pick up exactly where the Obama-Biden administration left off in 2016, with an aggressive assertion of U.S. military power to offset its declining global economic, political and moral[…]

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Indian Farmers on the Frontline Against Global Capitalism

by Colin Todhunter, published on CounterCurrents, January 16, 2021 In a short video on the YouTube channel, a protesting farmer camped near Delhi says that during lockdown and times of crisis farmers are treated like “gods”, but when they ask for their rights, they are smeared and labelled as “terrorists”. He, along with thousands of other farmers, are mobilising[…]

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GM 1937, Amazon 2021: Which side are you on?

by Martha Grevatt, published on Workers World, February 2, 2021 Bessemer, Alabama, sitting on the outskirts of Birmingham and with a population of 26,500 — about 75% African American — has become a central focus for the entire class struggle. There, at Amazon warehouse BHM1, thousands of workers are fighting for a union. Over Amazon’s strident objections, the National Labor[…]

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Biden’s Magic Tricks: Watch Both of His Hands

by Bruce Gagnon, published on Organizing Notes, February 5, 2021 During the Obama administration the Modus operandi (MO) was to play magic tricks. Obama would announce a good thing and then at the same time do a really bad thing.  I started urging people to watch both of the magicians hands. Following Obama’s slight of hand tricks, Biden is off[…]

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