Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Challenges For Social Movements Now That Trump Has Been Defeated

by Margaret Flowers, published on Popular Resistance, November 9, 2020 Change doesn’t come from the top, especially within a manipulated ‘democracy’ as exists in the United States. When social transformation occurs, it follows years of educating, organizing and mobilizing at the grassroots. Elected leaders who represent that transformation ride on a wave created by social movements, not the other way[…]

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Trump’s Great Barrington “Herd Immunity” Hoax

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, November 3, 2020 The moron Trump, perhaps the crudest specimen of capitalist cruelty these days, takes the matter one insane step further with his ongoing public and personal opposition to mandated lockdowns, mask wearing and social distancing necessitated by the uncontrolled spread of COVID-19. Trump’s current pandemic science adviser, Stanford University’s Hoover Institute[…]

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Freedom Rider: The Real Resistance Begins

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, November 11, 2020 “Kamala Auntie” and Joe from Scranton will do as little as possible so that “nothing will fundamentally change” that would halt endless wars and the Race to the Bottom. “We have already lived through phony change and emotional theatrics instead of political action.” When Pennsylvania announced that Joe Biden[…]

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Celebrate Armistice Day – Wage Peace With Renewed Energy!

by Gerry Condon, published on Popular Resistance, November 7, 2020 November 11 is Armistice Day, marking the 1918 armistice that ended the First World War, on the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.” Horrified by the industrial slaughter of millions of soldiers and civilians, the people of the U.S. and the world initiated campaigns to outlaw[…]

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Stand with the People of Nigeria #EndSARS

Statement from Pan-African Community Action (PACA) & the U.S. Out of Africa Network We are clear that at the root of escalating brutal and lethal repression in Nigeria is the economic and political alienation born from decades of Western neo-colonialism and an unsustainable global economy. The government forces shielding a comprador class in Nigeria are intensifying police repression against valiant[…]

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Greek workers tell Pompeo: ‘Go home’!

By G. Dunkel posted on Workers World, October 7, 2020 Students and teachers at over 700 schools and universities throughout Greece walked out the first week of October. Thousands of workers marched in Thessaloníki, both at the beginning and at the end of September. Workers and other progressives had sharp confrontations with the cops. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo[…]

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Pompeo in Greece: Expanding the U.S. Empire in the Eastern Mediterranean

by Andrew Lee, published in Covert Action Magazine, November 1, 2020 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit to Thessaloniki and Crete in Greece on September 28-30—the second tour in the span of a year and only a few weeks before the U.S. presidential elections—furthers the aggressive U.S. agenda shaping the latest political developments in the region.[CV Ed] The real purpose[…]

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US Doing its Best to Lock China Out of Latin America

by Vijay Prashad, published on Asia Times, November 4, 2020 On August 20, 2018, El Salvador’s leftist president Salvador Sánchez Cerén announced on national television that his country would break its ties with Taiwan and recognize the People’s Republic of China. This was in accord with international law, said Sánchez Cerén, and it would bring “great benefits for our country.”[…]

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The Capitalist System is as Unprepared for Climate Change as it is for Covid-19

by Alison Bodine, published in Fire This Time Newsletter, July/August, 2020 On June 5, 2020, Alison Bodine spoke on behalf of the Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice at an international climate justice Webinar hosted by the Venezuela Ecology Movement (MEVEN) and Misión Nevado, a Social Mission in Venezuela dedicated to the protection of animals. The Webinar was entitled,[…]

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