Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Hands off Cuba! End the Blockade!

Statement by the United National Antiwar Coalition The United National Antiwar Coalition stands firmly with the Cuban people and their revolutionary government against any US intervention in Cuba’s affairs. We continue our calls to lift the punitive US blockade of Cuba that has caused humanitarian shortages [and been tightened] during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The recent disruptions inside Cuba have[…]

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A “Traitor” to the American Death Machine Faces Years in Prison — While the Killing Goes On

By Chris Hedges, Published on, July 13, 2021 Daniel will be sentenced on July 27 at 9am, in Alexandria Virginia.  There will be a press conference in New York City on Daniel’s behalf, July 17th at 10 AM at 10th Ave & 31St.  It will be recorded so look for the video on the Upstate Drone Action website. [jb][…]

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America’s Afghan War Is Over, So What About Iraq – and Iran?

by Nicolas J. Davies and Medea Benjamin, July 12, 2021 At Bagram air-base, Afghan scrap merchants are already picking through the graveyard of U.S. military equipment that was until recently the headquarters of America’s 20-year occupation of their country. Afghan officials say the last U.S. forces slipped away from Bagram in the dead of night, without notice or coordination. The[…]

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The Killing of Jovenel Moise Must Not be an Excuse for U.S. Intervention U.S. Hands off Haiti

United National Antiwar Coalition Statement The assassination of Haitian president Jovenel Moise is yet another tragic event for the people of that country. His death only creates new traumas for Haiti. Moise was the latest United States installed puppet, whose administration continued in defiance of Haiti’s constitution which in fact required him to step down in February 2021. Haitians in[…]

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The US War to Destroy China’s Crown Jewel and Secure US Cyber Supremacy

by Stephen Gowans, published on What’s Left, July 6, 2021 When then US president Donald Trump said he would call off US efforts to extradite from Canada Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou to face bank fraud-related sanctions-evasion charges in exchange for trade concessions from China, he effectively admitted to a political kidnapping. The reality that normal US practice is to fine[…]

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The US Must End Its Brutal Sanctions Against Cuba, Not Intervene There

by Ben Burgis, published on The Jacobin, July 13, 2021 We might also add that the day after protesters expressed anger at the government, even more people took to the streets to support the government.  [jb] On Sunday, the largest anti-government protests in at least twenty-seven years broke out in Cuba. Thousands of people marched in the streets chanting slogans.[…]

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Stop the $2 Billion Arms Sale to the Philippines

Statement from Chicago Anti-War Coalition, July 9, 2021 There is a sign-on statement you can sign asking Congress to Block the Billion Dollar Arms Sale to [the government of Philippine President] Duterte!  They are primarily seeking organizational sign-ons but individuals can sign as well. [jb] Many Filipinos are very upset with President Duterte and the passage of an Anti-Terrorism law[…]

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Black Alliance for Peace Condemns Continued U.S./OAS/UN Support for Unconstitutional Actions by Haiti’s Illegitimate Government

Black Alliance for Peace Press Release, July 6, 2021 Over eight days, from June 25-30, Haiti had been subjected to increasing state-sponsored, imperial and gang violence. Massacres killed almost 60 people in Port au Prince, including in Cité Soleil, Delmas and Pétionville, as well as on on Rue Magloire Ambroise. Prominent human-rights activist Antoinette (Netty) Duclaire and journalist Diego Charles[…]

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How U.S. Destroyed Progressive Secular Forces in Afghanistan

by Deirdre Griswold, published on Workers World, July 5, 2021 A timely reminder, while the crocodile tears are flowing over the U.S. ‘abandoning’ Afghanistan (too soon?). [jb] First published in Workers World in October 1996, and then republished on Sept. 27, 2001, just before the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, with the following introduction: The media are suddenly full of opinions[…]

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