Delcy Rodriguez in the World Anti-Fascist Parliamentary Forum

by Delcy Rodriguez, published on Tortilla Con Sal, November 6, 2024

Long live the Free Peoples of the World!

Long live this Great Anti-Fascist Parliamentary Forum, convened in Caracas, Venezuela, where, on behalf of President Nicolás Maduro, of the Venezuelan people, we have welcomed all the Parliamentary Delegations that have gathered in this capital city to raise their voice against Fascism.

In these difficult hours that humanity is living through, of very serious and great dangers, who could deny today that fascism is one of the greatest threats that looms against the Human Species, and against the entire planet.

Let someone say that what is happening in Palestine is not the worst genocide ever seen, transmitted live via social networks, one that has never been seen such a ruthless role played by those who direct this policy against the Noble Fraternal People of Palestine.

And it must be said, Zionism as an ideological political concept, is a fascist movement that denies Life, that does not care about the extermination of thousands of women, children. One that doesn’t mind annihilating the Future of a People, because not only do its adherents not care, they enjoy it, they rejoice, they exalt it, they exhibit it in a pitifully inhuman way.

I think that if anyone deserves, standing up, with applause of our Recognition, it is the Palestinian People for their Heroism demonstrated every second in this year of Resistance, in the face of one of the most terrible policies of genocide, one which has been going on for decades.

As I always point out, the United Nations, the United Nations Organization was born with a germ, a pending cause which is the Palestinian cause. And with the passing of the decades what we have seen is an International Organization that is withering away.

President Nicolás Maduro said it well during his recent participation in Kazan, Russia, on the sidelines of the BRICs Summit. Every bomb that falls on Gaza is a bomb that falls on the United Nations system, one without the capacity to defend Nations, without the capacity to defend the Principles and Purpose of the Founding Charter of the United Nations, without the capacity to guarantee Peace, to children, to women, to grandparents, to grandmothers.

This is really what we are witnessing, on the one hand, a policy of extermination, planned, conceived; and on the other hand, a Noble, Heroic People, who do not kneel but who stand in struggle. And that really allows us and gives us the courage to keep on breathing, because we know that in that Resistance there is a very deep and very strong Message of what Life is and what Humanity is.

When we have seen children attending classes in Gaza, among ruins, among human cemeteries, this is a profound, tremendous Message that there is a Future and that there is Hope. On the faces of those children, of those girls who attend class to learn among ruins, among cemeteries, the product of the Zionist regime’s genocidal policy of extermination, there is a Message for the Peoples of the World.

The message for the People of the World is: Don’t give up, we don’t give up. No giving up, because there is hope. Do not give up, because on our faces is drawn what should be a Future for Humanity, free from extermination, genocide, oppression.

Where the Rights of Peoples are claimed, to their territory, where the Rights of Peoples to their great History is claimed, in the defense of Sovereignty, Self-Determination and Independence.

That is the message that has come to us as the Venezuelan people also victim of fascist aggression, victim also of terrible economic aggression. And we cannot talk about fascism without understanding that fascism, when it has expanded to weave its Networks and occupy international spaces is a response to a crisis of the Capitalist Model.

And what we know today that is happening in the world is a new geopolitical reconfiguration, it is a new construction for an international Economic Morphology different from the one that has prevailed under the hegemony of the dollar, which has allowed criminal economic blockades to be imposed automatically, immediately, with the press of a key.

To date, there are 37,433 Unilateral Coercive Measures in the World, taking their effect on entire populations, massively violating Human Rights with what is a policy of extermination as well. 37,433 against more than 30 illegally sanctioned countries.

But I bring these data to reflect on: 91% of those sanctioned Countries are Energy-producing Countries, 91%. Russia, Iran, Syria, Iraq and Venezuela are energy-producing countries, and the largest Energy Reserves on the planet are also concentrated there.

Such that behind these blockades and economic aggression against the Peoples, there is a very determined and very clear policy of seizing the energy resources of the Planet’s energy producers.

There you have it! In order to satiate the energy voracity of those who, with their hegemonic imperialist policy, need Energy for the war. It is not that they need Energy as the New World conceives it, as the Brother Representative of Nicaragua said of that New World which is rising up, and where the BRICs, the BRICs Countries are an expression of that New World.

It is not the Energy for the development of Peoples, it is not the Energy for the construction of a Future that allows ensuring the happiness of Peoples. It is the Energy for war, for destruction, for annihilation, for violence.

And that is why the great communications machinery has also had a technological transformation through the imposition of algorithms on Social Networks, so as to privilege death, hatred, violence and war.

One is dealing with a global policy conceived from the hegemonism of the Global North against the Global South. And I understand that here are the Representatives of the Global South of the World and that we are the majority, on this planet we are the majority.

Those who voted 6 days ago against the criminal blockade against Cuba, to end the blockade against Cuba, 187 Countries, we are the majority, against only two Countries, Israel and the United States that impose by force, that impose by war, that impose by violating Human Rights.

Then they come along with their immoral policy of double standards, talking about Democracy, Human Rights, and pretending to be the censors of such sensitive issues for Countries, such as this issue that we are addressing.

Those of us who voted in favor of the cessation of the occupation in Palestine are also in the majority, those of us who voted in favor of the entry of Palestine with Full Membership in the United Nations are in the majority against two criminal countries, with their conception of Zionism.

Because Zionism is not limited to the Palestinian territory. Zionism is a Global Project, and that’s why we see Milei, in the Southern Cone of our hemisphere, trampling on the Argentine People, as part of an International Network.

It is not that it is limited to stealing Palestinian Territory, no. It is a project for taking over the World, the Planet, with a terrible, fascist concept of ignoring Human Beings and disrespecting Human Life.

This Global Project must be stopped, because two Countries cannot just walk all over the rest of the World, and that is why, Deputy Pedro Infante, Deputies of the Venezuelan Parliament, Parliamentarians of the World who have come today, this Parliamentary Meeting is so important in order to weave the World Union in favor of Life, in favor of Peace, in favor of the Democratic Processes of the Peoples, in favor of Freedom. Here we are that expression.

This year we also had the World Anti-Fascist Meeting here, where a World Organization was created to counterbalance these expressions of Zionist fascism in every corner of the planet.

Not to do so is to compromise Human Life, very much as the Climate Emergency that threatens Life on the Planet today also compromises it. Comandante Fidel Castro, Comandante Chávez, raised their voices in favor of the Rights of Nature at the time. To stop this ruthless machinery of a mode of production that does not respect the limits of Life, that does not respect Nature, and that has led us to the Climate Emergency we are experiencing today.

From here our Message to the People of Valencia, Spain for the hours of anguish, pain and suffering that they are also living in these days. And those who deny the existence of the Planetary Climate Emergency are the same ones who also deny the existence of neo-fascism and neo-Nazism.

From here also, our recognition to valiant Russia, to the Russian people who today are leading a historic battle against fascism and neo-Nazism. In the name of humanity, it must be acknowledged, to President Vladimir Putin, to the Russian people, in the name of Humanity.

Such that we know we must become a powerful Force, a powerful Force against these expressions wherever they are found. And I want to say it, with humility, here in Venezuela we are also fighting a very hard battle against fascism.

In 2019, with the support of Zionism, they grabbed a Deputy, took him to a public square and said, he’s the new President of Venezuela; I’m telling you, I say to you as the Parliamentarians that you are. And then, that President who was in no way President, had the support of the governments of the West, sponsored directly from Washington, as the new President of Venezuela.

They began to steal Venezuela’s assets abroad and gave them to a phony government that does not exist, did not exist and does not exist, nor will it exist. Because the only Legitimate Government is one that enjoys the support of Popular Sovereignty, and the support of the People of Venezuela.

And from that moment, Venezuela went through moments, very adverse, very hard, with assassination attempts, with an attempted invasion with mercenaries, supported by governments of the West and of this Region too.

Economic warfare too. Today Venezuela faces 947 illegal coercive measure, all aimed at choking the economy; in just 5 years Venezuela lost US$642bn dollars of Gross Domestic Product, and US$232bn dollars of oil production.

Venezuela, you know, has been defined by the US Pentagon as a geostrategic objective to be controlled and taken over for its Energy Reserves.

In that sense, the Heroic Resistance of the Venezuelan People also deserves great recognition, it also has a lot to say: Bravo People of Venezuela, for not kneeling down and for still standing and giving historic lessons to the world, as well!

And too, for sending a message of Hope to the Peoples of the World, that we are not surrendering here either, just as Palestine is not surrendering, as the Saharawi people are not surrendering, as Cuba is not surrendering, as Nicaragua is not surrendering. That here we raise the same Flag of Freedom and Self-Determination and Sovereignty, in the Defense of the Will of our Peoples.

Then, as you know, on July 28th of this year we had Presidential Elections, President Maduro had warned what the United States’ Plan for Venezuela was. Today, by the way, there are elections in the United States, a two-party regime and a single project, namely the imperialist, Zionist System.

That’s why the President said yesterday, the outcome doesn’t matter, because the policy towards the World is one, and in American Foreign Policy, alongside outright war there are the economic wars.

These 37,433 criminal, illegal coercive measures against the Peoples are part of the Foreign Policy of a System; but our President had already warned what was coming. They were never going to recognize the Triumph of the Venezuelan people and would impose a scenario of violence, and that’s what happened.

They attacked our Electoral Transmission System, hoping that there in this way there would be no Election Results on July 28th. But we had results and the Venezuelan people came out victorious, and President Nicolás Maduro was re-elected and ratified in the Presidency of Venezuela.

Imagine what this means for the World as well, to ratify a Sovereign, Independent, Anti-hegemonic Project against the West. And that’s why, as President Maduro has said, we are an epicenter of the anti-fascist battle, because they want our Energy Reserves, but they also intend to destroy our Geopolitical, Political, Bolivarian Model.

There is also a political concept, of ignorance, of trying to destroy what the Battle for the Independence of Venezuela means now and what it meant more than 200 years ago. When Bolivar with his Universal Message, in defense of Principles that would later become the foundations of the United Nations, the Principle of Independence, Self-Determination, Sovereignty, Freedom.

They seek to destroy that reference in this hemisphere, they intend to destroy it and send out their enforcers; we saw it just now at the BRICs Summit, with the irrational positions of one country, because the rest of the countries supported the formal entry of Venezuela into the BRICs.

But we are have been in the BRICs, as our President said, for more than 200 years. Didn’t Comandante Hugo Chávez speak of a Pluripolar and Multicentric world? Didn’t Comandante Hugo Chávez also talk about a basket of currencies that would compete with the hegemony of the dollar? We are already in the BRICs.

The worrying thing is that the only country that opposed it is the Trojan Horse, directed from Washington, to try to break up this New World that is being built and configured.

That is why it is so important to keep maintaining this new Geopolitics, for we already know that in 2040, 2050 the leadership in the International Economy will be in Asia, it will be in Africa, and Venezuela has to insert itself into this New World, because we are already on that path of a Pluripolar World, as Chavez and President Maduro said, consolidating that path.

So, beloved Parliamentarians who are visiting us today, I humbly wanted to ratify what is the position of a People, who never surrender. Venezuela does not surrender, Venezuela has given enough examples for the West led from Washington to know, that we do not surrender, that there are Values far superior to their Zionist, fascist Project, and those very superior Values have to do with Human Life, they have to do with a concept of Brother and Sisterhood, with a concept of International Cooperation between Free and Sovereign Nations.

And from here, from Venezuela to say, we remain in a struggle for Victory, but that our Victory also means adding a grain of sand to the Victory of the Peoples of the World.

You can count on the courageous People of Bolívar and Chávez to continue building the World of Freedom, Independence, Sovereignty and Peace.

Thank you very much, sisters and brothers.

*Featured Image: Che in Gaza, 1959

Address by Compañera Delcy Rodríguez, Vice President of Venezuela, at the World Anti-Fascist Parliamentary Forum

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