Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

US Government Exploits Animosity Towards Migrants to Demonize Socialist Countries

by Jill Clark Gollub, published on the Orinoco Tribune, July 9, 2024 The Republican party has been waging a blatantly racist campaign to criminalize migrants. Instead of pushing back on that narrative, the party that purports to be for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Democrats) is exploiting this racist anger to discredit a country it has targeted for regime change—Nicaragua—apparently for[…]

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Palestinians are Prohibited From Defending Their Families From Violent Aggression

by Gideon Levy, published on Israel-Palestine News, June 28, 2023 This article personalizes something we all know already ….or do we?  It is difficult to put yourself in their shoes, even for a moment. There aren’t many populations in the world as helpless as the Palestinians who live in their own country. No one protects their lives and property, let[…]

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