Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

United National Antiwar Coalition Statement on Ukraine

United National Antiwar Coalition Statement on Ukraine 3/19/22 The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) remains steadfast in its opposition to the United States/NATO imperialist project. The people of Ukraine are now suffering in a war zone because of the actions of the United States, beginning with the 2014 coup which violently ousted an elected president. The goal then as now[…]

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Veterans Warn Against “No-Fly-Zone” in Ukraine

Press Release by Veterans for Peace, March 17, 2022 Veterans of several U.S. wars are urging President Biden to hold fast against growing political pressure to implement a “no-fly zone.” A No Fly Zone is an area established by a military power over which opposing aircraft are not permitted. No Fly Zones are enforced by military interception of aircraft and[…]

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#SanctionsKill Campaign Statement on Ukraine Conflict

Statement from Sanctions Kill Coalition, March 17, 2022 The SanctionsKill Campaign is a broad coalition of social justice, solidarity, and peace forces focused on exposing the devastating impact of US sanctions on civilian populations globally. Sign the Statement: HERE Sanctions are not a substitute for war The current regime of sanctions against Russia is not a substitute for war, but[…]

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Russia-Ukraine War Began in 2014, not 2022

by Vijay Prashad, OpEd to Big News Network, published March 9, 2022 The war between Russia and Ukraine began much before February 24, 2022-the date provided by the Ukrainian government, NATO, and the United States for the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. According to Dmitry Kovalevich, a journalist and a member of a now-banned communist organization in Ukraine,[…]

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Documents Expose US Biological Experiments on Allied Soldiers in Ukraine and Georgia

by Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, published on, January 24, 2022 I just noticed what was going on when I saw this tweet from Dilyana: The whole is currently missing from DNS, not only these files. All documents published by the US government here are not available anymore — Dilyana Gaytandzhieva (@dgaytandzhieva) February 26, 2022 A couple of notable points,[…]

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No to NATO

by Cassia Laham, published on Fightback News, March 1, 2022 Miami, FL – Events are unfolding quickly surrounding Ukraine. It is therefore imperative that the anti-war movement in the United States mobilize for peace and against any further possible escalation by the United States. This means demanding: no war with Russia, no to NATO expansion, and no to sanctions. It is[…]

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War Propaganda About Ukraine Becoming More Militaristic, Authoritarian, and Reckless

by Glenn Greenwald, published on Glen’s Substack, February 27, 2022 In the weeks leading up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, those warning of the possible dangers of U.S. involvement were assured that such concerns were baseless. The prevailing line insisted that nobody in Washington is even considering let alone advocating that the U.S. become militarily involved in a conflict[…]

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No to Plunging the Peoples of Europe into a U.S./NATO-Provoked War!

Crisis in Ukraine No to Plunging the Peoples of Europe into a U.S./NATO-Provoked War! All Out to Rally Canadians Against Warmongering, Lies and Disinformation -Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) – Amidst all the warmongering, lies and disinformation over what Russia is or is not doing in Ukraine to defend its strategic interests, the obvious question arises as to who is[…]

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World Peace Council Condemns the Growing Imperialist Aggressiveness and Escalation of Tensions Around Ukraine

Statement published  by US Peace Council The World Peace Council (WPC) expresses its deepest concerns about the escalating tensions in Eastern Europe and particularly around the Ukraine, caused primarily by the growing aggressive expansion of NATO towards Eastern Europe, its massive deployment of troops from the Baltic Sea to Bulgaria, and creating a belt aiming at the encirclement of the Russian[…]

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