Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Did You Donate to Send Food to Gaza? Think Again

by Paul Larudee, published on Dissident Voice, June 12, 2024 “HUNGER CATASTROPHE IN GAZA – DONATIONS NEEDED” cries Mercy Corps. “URGENT: STARVATION IN GAZA: ALL GIFTS MATCHED FOR GAZA” shouts These and many other appeals from international relief organizations have motivated untold numbers of compassionate and generous souls to open their purses. You may be among them. If so,[…]

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Call To Action: The ICSGP Denounces Israel’s Brutal Attacks On Rafah

by the International Coalition to Stop Genocide in Palestine, Popular Resistance, May 30, 2024 Calls for social movements worldwide to join Popular University for Gaza movement. Demands the United Nations and Palestinian Authority immediately declare Gaza a famine-stricken area. The International Coalition to Stop Genocide in Palestine (ICSGP) abhors the brutal slaughter in recent days by the Israeli Occupation Forces[…]

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Israel Invades Rafah and the Genocide will be Completed with US Complicity

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, May 12, 2024 Dozens of Palestinians were killed across Gaza as Israeli warplanes and artillery attacked overnight, following Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s order to seize the Rafah border crossing in Gaza. Israeli warplanes dropped leaflets in eastern Rafah telling people to flee and move to what Israel called a humanitarian zone to[…]

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Rafah Invasion: Everything That’s Happened so Far

by Tareq S. Hajjaj, published on Mondoweiss, May 8, 2024 It’s a scene that has played over and over again in the southern Gaza city of Rafah since the beginning of the war: mothers with sad and pale faces carrying their children on their shoulders and in their hands, balancing many bags on their backs, surrounded by more children carrying[…]

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Israel and the U.S. Are Gangster States

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, April 3, 2024 Any sign of even tiny opposition is enough to send Israel into a frenzy of bloodletting. Hospital attacks, murders of aid workers, violations of the sovereignty of embassies, are all par for the Zionist course. Friends in Washington talk out of both sides of their mouths with condemnation but[…]

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Black Agenda Report Joins in Gaza Relief Effort

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, November 15, 2023 Corporate media excel at misdirection and telling outright lies. Independent media must have a seat at the table when opportunities arise to cover events such as relief efforts for the people of Gaza.  “We’ve come to Egypt to speak to the world directly from the border of Gaza, which we were not[…]

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