Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

U.S. – NATO Threats Ignore ‘Red Lines’ in Ukraine

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, June 7, 2024 Front lines are collapsing for the Ukrainian army, whole units surrendering. Top commanders are fired. Faced with complete disarray of the U.S.-NATO instigated war in Ukraine, U.S. militarists are doubling down. According to the Ukrainian constitution, President Volodymir Zelensky’s term in office is over. But he remains in power by[…]

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Biden Sliding Towards World War III

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, May 29. 2024 The idea of a world war should not be relegated to science fiction. Western escalations in Ukraine could lead to conflict with a nuclear power. “Constant escalation can lead to serious consequences. If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the United States behave, bearing in mind our[…]

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Annals of the Ukraine War: Year Two

by Eve Ottenberg, published on Counterpunch, June 9, 2023 From the human-caused climate catastrophe to a nuclear showdown between Washington and Moscow or Beijing, to fascism ascendant, three terrifying disasters loom over humanity like the shadow of death. These threats have lurked for some years, but the Ukraine war, facilitated by Joe Biden’s arrival in the white house in 2021[…]

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Ukraine War Tolls Death Knell for NATO

by M. K. Bhadrakumar, published on The People’s Dispatch, December 26, 2022 Ho Ho Ho and A Merry Christmas to You Too  [jb] The defining moment in US President Joe Biden’s press conference at the White House last Wednesday, December 21, during President Zelensky’s visit, was his virtual admission that he is constrained in the proxy war in Ukraine, as European[…]

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US Imperialism’s Trillion-Dollar Fossil Fuel Gambit

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, October 21, 2022 The US-engineered sabotage of Russia’s Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, as we shall see, aimed at guaranteeing the success of the US trillion dollar Ukraine fossil fuel war gambit to permanently substitute US-fracked Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) for Russia’s significantly less expensive fossil fuels. The US sabotage instantly eliminated[…]

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A Long History of War Lies

by Jorge Cadima, published on Workers World, October 10, 2022 Translation: John Catalinotto. If hypocrisy and lies paid taxes, the speeches made by the leaders of the U.S., the EU and Britain at the recent United Nations General Assembly would have eliminated their colossal public debts. It is amazing how those responsible for practically all the wars and aggressions of[…]

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How Russia Thwarted US Imperial Plans In Ukraine And Beyond

by Antonio Camacho Negron, published on Multipolarista, August 15, 2022 History testifies, time and time again, that the United States and Europe have always viewed Russia as coveted prey, and more so as a powerful opponent to their expansionist pretensions. Without a doubt, for various reasons that we will detail later, Russia has today become the top geopolitical-military threat to[…]

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Ukraine: No to U.S. Orchestrated War and Fascist Coup

by Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, July 24, 2022 We begin with some hard facts and context that are today tragically absent from the assessments of large sectors of the left and antiwar movements in the U.S. and worldwide. 2014 Maidan Square fascist rooftop snipers  The Ukraine tragedy began in February 2014 when rooftop fascist snipers opened fire on[…]

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Westphalian Logic and Geopolitical Prudence in the Nuclear Age

By Richard Falk, published on Counterpunch, May 20, 2022 Interesting analysis of the realities of international politics.  Interests, boundaries and relative strength are highly relevant to  international negotiations.  The structure of the United Nations is as significant as the rules.  Westphalian refers to a treaty from 1649 that secured the peace through recognition of national boundaries.  Interestingly, I found a[…]

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The 16 Biggest Lies the U.S. Government Tells America About the Ukraine War

by Richard Ochs, published on Covert Action Magazine, May 18, 2022 In any war, the first casualty is truth. Here are the biggest lies: 1. “Ukraine is a democracy” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky banned all opposition parties and banned the use of Russian as a second state language. Why did he violate his 2019 campaign promise to stop the genocidal[…]

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