Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Donald Rumsfeld, Rot in Hell

by Ben Burgis, published on Jacobin, June 30, 2021 Here’s a retrospective on the career of Donald Rumsfeld.  The beaming smile in the image below from Wiki-Commons kind of makes you cringe.  Rumsfeld didn’t create the system but he was an enthusiastic participant in and driver of the most egregious excesses of cruelty and violence in his lifetime.  Goodbye and[…]

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Capitalism on a Ventilator

by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume, published on Counterpunch, December 18, 2020 Asian countries have been far more successful than the US in responding to the COVID pandemic, but you’d never know that from the US media. Even most alternative media has been largely US- & Euro-centric. While our domestic issues here are important, we have been missing out on important lessons[…]

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Two Massive New Leaks Show Dirty Underbelly of Empire

by Lee Camp, published on Consortium News, October 12, 2020 Most Americans don’t know reality. They know their personal reality, but unfortunately their reality is thoroughly detached from real pure, uncut reality. For example, do they know that police across the country work with corporations to criminalize journalism? Do they know that large PR companies created a false reality to[…]

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The U.S. is a Failed State and COVID-19 Proves it

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, March 25, 2020 The United States’ capitalist and imperialist economy cannot provide a modicum of social welfare to its people and has been in perpetual war with Black Americans and Indigenous Peoples since its formation. “COVID-19 proves that the United States’ war on the world is a drag on humanity.” U.S. imperialism[…]

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Under US Pressure, Social Media Companies Censor Critical Content and Suspend Venezuelan,Iranian and Syrian Accounts

by Ben Norton, published on  The Grayzone, January 12, 2020 The Donald Trump administration is ramping up its information war against Venezuela, Iran, and Syria. And it has enlisted social media platforms as weapons in its assault on these top regime-change targets. In the first two weeks of January, Twitter suspended dozens of accounts run by real, live people —[…]

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Manufacturing Normality

by Caitlin Johnstone, published on, August 13, 2019 If people could see the world with fresh eyes, as though they were viewing it for the very first time, they would suddenly find themselves smashed between two equally strong yet wildly different experiences. On the one hand, they would experience breathless awe at the thunderous beauty of everything that exists.[…]

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The NYT’s Pro-War Arguments Against War With Iran

by Gregory Shupak, from FAIR, August 9, 2019 The New York Times has published five editorials since the beginning of May that are ostensibly critical of a possible military war between the United States and Iran. As anti-war arguments, however, they are woefully lacking—vilifying Iran without subjecting the US to comparable scrutiny, and hiding US aggression towards Iran. The editorials[…]

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Liberate Syria’s Idlib, Precisely for the Civilians

Photo: Looking out from a factory in western Aleppo, just 400 metres from al-Qaeda snipers. ©  Eva Bartlett by Eva Bartlett, Published by Information Clearing House, May 25, 2019 Western media and politicians are crying for Al-Qaeda in Syria again. It doesn’t get much more absurd than this! After years of brutal occupation by terrorists from various groups and now overwhelmingly Hay’at Tahrir[…]

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Washington Threatens New Attack on Syria Amid US War Buildup in Persian Gulf

Photo: From a video from one of the original propaganda reports by militants in the region. ~Al Bab By Bill Van Auken, published on World Socialist Website, 22 May 2019 Just days after President Donald Trump threatened to put an “official end” to Iran, Washington has threatened renewed military aggression against Syria based on unsubstantiated charges of the use of[…]

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On D-Day, Feb. 23, the trucks couldn’t Enter Venezuela

By Marco Terrugi posted on Workers World, February 25, 2019 First published on Feb. 24 by Pagina12, translated by Michael Otto. The day of the announced arrival of “humanitarian aid” to Venezuela, Feb. 23, came and went. The apocalyptic forecasts did not take place. Nicolás Maduro did not fall; Juan Guaidó stayed in Cúcuta, Colombia; and no Hollywood showdown took[…]

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