Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

No Coup, No Nazis in Ukraine?

by Bruce Gagnon, published on Organizing Notes, March 6, 2022 Much to my astonishment I am getting emails from long respected ‘peaceniks’ passing on information that says there was no coup d’etat in 2014 (which was orchestrated by the Obama  administration). The emails often suggest that there are also no Nazis in Ukraine. How is this possible that otherwise experienced[…]

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Without Even Realizing How We Were Being Played, Could This Be Russiagates Checkmate

by Jacqueline Luqman, published on Black Agenda Report, March 2, 2022 Tales of Donald Trump collusion with Vladimir Putin absolved the democrats of electoral blame, and supported the war party in its attacks on Russia. Yet it was the democratic administration of Barack Obama which first made common cause with the Ukrainian right wing and set the stage for military[…]

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How the U.S. Started a Cold War with Russia and Left Ukraine to Fight It

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 28, 2022 The defenders of Ukraine are bravely resisting Russian aggression, shaming the rest of the world and the UN Security Council for its failure to protect them. It is an encouraging sign that the Russians and Ukrainians are holding talks in Belarus that may lead to a ceasefire. All efforts[…]

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U.S. War on Russia: a Stampede Off a Cliff

by Sara Flounders, published on  International Action Center, February 24, 2022 Great metaphor here.   The EU had stopped listening to U.S. advice which was clearly not in their  interest.    Now they are too frightened to ignore big brother’s demands. [JB] Bulletin: As of Feb. 22, Russia has recognized the two peoples’ republics in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine, the[…]

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Left-Right White Solidarity Basis of Support for U.S./EU/NATO Wars on Global Humanity

by Ajamu Baraka, published on Towards Freedom, February 1, 2022 Some years ago, Italian anarchist Camillo Berneri suggested that while not always visible in the social practices of everyday European life, the racist foundation for European fascism was still present, safely confined to a space in the European psyche, but always ready to explode in what he called a “racist[…]

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A Foreign Policy Built on a Foundation of Lies

by Greg Godels, published on Ziggy’s Blog, February 2, 2022 Cuba, a country with a population roughly the size of Paris, France, poses no threat to the United States, except in the minds of the deranged. Yet there is a remarkable number of “deranged” people populating the upper echelons of US government officialdom, the foreign policy academy, and the media.[…]

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Reporting and Empire – The Prizewinners and the Outlaws

By Stephen Sefton, Tortilla con Sal, published on TeleSUR English, August 11, 2021 I am publishing this now, despite the time passed since its original publication because it speaks to the question, ‘Did the Sandanista government imprison his competitors prior to the election, just so he could win?’.  And, I don’t think we should ever forget the examples of Julian[…]

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Are Nicaraguan Migrants Escaping ‘Repression’—or Economic Sanctions?

by John Perry, published on Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, November 3, 2021 “Record numbers” of migrants are coming into the United States from Nicaragua, according to Newsweek (7/29/21), which blames the increase on “arbitrary arrests and human rights abuses” by the Nicaraguan government. Former Sandinista leader Sergio Ramírez, writing for El Salvador’s El Faro (8/20/21), claims that “repression” by[…]

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Grasping Our Future vs a Neoliberal Dystopia

by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies, October 20, 2021 In country after country around the world, people are rising up to challenge entrenched, failing neoliberal political and economic systems, with mixed but sometimes promising results. Progressive leaders in the U.S. Congress are refusing to back down on the Democrats’ promises to American voters to reduce poverty, expand rights to[…]

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Propaganda War Against China Aims to Expand U.S. Hegemony and Eradicate Socialism

by Danny Haiphong, published on Black Agenda Report, October 13, 2021 Anti-China propaganda is intended to indoctrinate Americans with fear and hatred and gain support for war against that country and against socialism itself. This is an edited version of remarks given by the author at the Friends of Socialist China’s webinar entitled, Propaganda War Against China, held on October[…]

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