Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Biden: Hands Off Rail Workers and Their Right to Strike!

by Statement by Labor Commission, FRSO, November 30, 2022 On Monday, President Joe Biden publicly called on Congress to force union rail workers to accept the sub-par contract terms he helped craft. This is shameless union busting and pre-emptive strike breaking on behalf of the billionaire railroad bosses. The members of four unions representing the majority of rail workers already[…]

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OPEC’s Body Blow to Biden Presidency

by M.K. Bhadrakrumar, published on the Indian Punchline, October 8, 2022 The Biden Administration is swiftly establishing a narrative that the recent OPEC decision to cut oil production by two million tonnes is a geopolitical “aligning” by Saudi Arabia and Russia. It taps into the Russophobia in the Beltway and deflects attention from the humiliating defeat of President Biden’s personal[…]

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Biden Visits Apartheid Israel and Saudi Monarch

by Barry Shephard, published on Socialist Action, July 24, 2022 President Joe Biden’s trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia, with a short three-hour stop off with Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas sandwiched in between, began in Israel. An article in the New York Times from Jerusalem said, “A year and a half after Donald J. Trump left the White House,[…]

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Biden’s Promised Build Back Better Legislation Crashes

by Jeff Mackler, November 3, 2021 After months of political hype President Joseph Biden’s touted top legislative priorities have been gutted beyond recognition. For the better part of a year he and the Democrats toured the country saturating the corporate news media with legislative promises to Build Back Better now. In the context of a COVID-19-wounded nation, frozen wages, a[…]

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Biden Acknowledges ‘Over the Horizon’ Air Attacks Planned Against Taliban

by Nick Mottern, published on Common Dreams, July 5, 2021 On July 2, fleeing questions from reporters about U.S. plans in Afghanistan, President Joe Biden sought refuge behind the July 4th Independence Day holiday, yet obliquely acknowledged that the U.S. will use some level of “over the horizon” air attacks to prevent the Taliban from taking power, attacks that will[…]

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Master Biden Speaks

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, December 16, 2020 Joe Biden’s arrogant, racist tone is a bizarre reflection of systemic racism in our society and especially among those in leadership positions. Sadly, I am quite certain he doesn’t hear it himself.[jb] The civil rights groups’ rather basic requests for voting rights protections and the need for federal intervention to[…]

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