Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Annals of the Ukraine War: Year Two

by Eve Ottenberg, published on Counterpunch, June 9, 2023 From the human-caused climate catastrophe to a nuclear showdown between Washington and Moscow or Beijing, to fascism ascendant, three terrifying disasters loom over humanity like the shadow of death. These threats have lurked for some years, but the Ukraine war, facilitated by Joe Biden’s arrival in the white house in 2021[…]

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The United States Has Produced Very Few Anti-Imperialists; Noam Chomsky is Not One of Them

by Stephen Gowans, published on Stephen Gowan’s Blog, November 3, 2019 Imperialism has penetrated the fabric of our culture, and infected our imagination, more deeply than we usually think.—Martin Green. [1] [Americans] have produced very, very few anti-imperialists. Our idiom has been empire.—William Appleman Williams. [2] In a recent Intercept interview with the beautiful soul Mehdi Hassan, Noam Chomsky resumed[…]

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