Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Latest Odds of a Shooting War Between NATO and Russia

Photo: Ship blocking Kerch Strait ~RT by Ann Garrison, published on Consortium News, December 13, 2019 George Szamuely is a Hungarian-born scholar and Senior Research Fellow at London’s Global Policy Institute. He lives in New York City. I spoke to him about escalating hostilities on Russia’s Ukrainian and Black Sea borders and about Exercise Trident Juncture, NATO’s massive military exercise[…]

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UNAC Report from the First International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases

by Joe Lombardo, from, November 26. 2018 Many UNAC leaders and members participated in the First International Conference against US/NATO Military Bases, which was held on November 16-18 at Liberty Hall in Dublin, Ireland and attended by more than 300 activists from 35 countries. Around 60 people registered from the US. The conference was organized by the Global Campaign[…]

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Opposing Bipartisan Warmongering is Defending Human Rights of the Poor and Working Class

by Ajamu Baraka, previously published on Dissident Voice, Black Agenda Report and CounterPunch, August 14, 2018 The decision by Democrat party president Harry Truman to bomb the cities of Hiroshima on August 6 and Nagasaki on the 9thwith the newly developed nuclear weapon signaled to the world that the U.S. was prepared to use military force to back up its[…]

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Resisting Calls to ‘Do Something’ About Syria

A fighter of Syrian Democratic Forces stands amidst the ruins of buildings near the Clock Square in Raqqa, Syria October 18, 2017 ~REUTERS/Erik De Castro/File photo by Caitlin Johnstone, Feb 28, 2018 “We’ve got to do something about Syria!” goes the common Western refrain. Actually, no you don’t. “What? You’re saying we should just do nothing??” goes the common response. Yes. Yeah that’d[…]

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Conference on U.S. Military Bases Discusses Spring Antiwar Actions

By Marilyn Levin, Jan 27, 2018 Attended by 200 people (space limited attendance) and viewed by thousands via live streaming, the historic Conference on U.S. Foreign Military Bases, Jan. 12-14, 2018, in Baltimore, brought together broad participation from the peace/antiwar U.S. left along with leaders fighting U.S./NATO aggression from around the world. Initiated by the U.S. Peace Council, a significant[…]

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