Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

We Must Say to Biden and Democrats: ‘NO War!’

Black Alliance for Peace, March 22, 2021 The reactionary character of U.S. politics is on full display as the corporate media—in alignment with the military-industrial complex—the lunatic elements of the foreign policy community and right-wing neoliberal Democrats seem committed to conditioning the public to accept yet another insane military confrontation. This time, with a real opponent—China! What makes this situation[…]

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U.S. Hands off Iran, Syria and Afghanistan!

Statement from Socialist Action National Committee, published on Socialist Action, January 11, 2021 President Trump’s waning months at the White House saw him cloistered with his top National Security team of warmakers considering whether to launch yet another round of deadly missile strikes against Iran. In the same timeframe, the ongoing U.S. imperial war against Syria saw multiple U.S.-Israeli-orchestrated missile[…]

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An “Inconvenient Truth” that Al Gore Missed

By Michael Eisenscher In a recent interview with The Real News , actor and activist John Cusack made a simple but profoundly important point: “[Y]ou can’t separate climate justice and militarism’, he said, ”… because the drones are going to follow the fresh water, and the soldiers are going to protect the oil, and then if things go on as[…]

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“Alexa, Drop A Bomb”: Amazon Wants In On US Warfare

Above Photo: The acquisitive impulses of hundreds of millions could become the stuff of their imprisonment or death.JARED RODRIGUEZ / TRUTHOUT Amazon is seeking to build a global “brain” for the Pentagon called JEDI, a weapon of unprecedented surveillance and killing power, a profoundly aggressive weapon that should not be allowed to be created. Founded in 1994 as an online bookseller,[…]

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It’s About Time for the U.S. to Exit Syria and Afghanistan

Statement on U.S. exit from Syrian War by Black Alliance for Peace A real panic exists among the militarists and flunkeys of the military-industrial complex: They are concerned the U.S. president has gone completely off the ruling-class imperialist script. We find that hard to believe, since a move away from militarism and violence would indicate a fundamental departure from the[…]

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