Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

U.S. rejects China’s Proposal to Ban First Use of Nuclear Weapons

by John Wojcik, Mark Gruenberg and Ben Chacko, published on People’s World, May 16, 2024, The U.S. has dismissed Chinese calls for a no-first-use treaty between nuclear weapons states, saying it has questions about China’s “sincerity.” The outright dismissal of China’s proposal followed a major speech in which Biden announced radical tariffs of up to 100 percent, on steel imports[…]

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U.S. Policy in Korea is Stuck in a Time Warp With Little Having Changed Since 1950

by Dermot Hudson, published on Covert Action Magazine, January 15, 2024 The DPRK Has Thwarted U.S. Designs to Control the Korean Peninsula in a Major Historical Accomplishment. Revisiting the lead up to the Korean war, a tale of atrocities, before, during and after… an important description of events prior to the Korean War.  I had no idea so many of[…]

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The Korean War Continues With Biden’s Renewal of Travel Ban to North Korea

by Amanda Yee, produced by Globetrotter, September 1, 2023 On August 22, the U.S. State Department renewed its ban on the use of U.S. passports for travel to North Korea. This travel ban prohibits as many as 100,000 Korean Americans living in the United States from visiting their relatives in North Korea. The ban was first set in place by[…]

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Protests Erupt Against U.S. Military Exercises and Expansion of U.S. Military Footprint in The Philippines

by Jeremy Kuzmarov, published on CovertAction Magazine, May 2, 2023 Filipinos Don’t Want to Be Used as a “Footstool for American Power Projection and Provocation” Says Filipino Peace Activist This past month, more than 3,000 U.S. and Filipino soldiers participated in a three-week live-fire military exercise called Balikatan, which included a drill to blow up a mock Chinese warship in[…]

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Faced with U.S. ‘Decapitation Drill’/DPRK Korea Missile Launch is Self-Defense

by Sara Flounders, published on Workers World, August 26, 2022 The western corporate media described the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s launch of two missiles Aug. 17 as threatening, aggressive and paranoid. What most media failed to report was the prior U.S. military exercises with Japan and South Korea off Hawai’i, in preparation for extensive war exercises off Korea, that[…]

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War Film

by Kim Petersen, published on Countercurrents, January 15, 2022 A couple of brief comments. The theatrical excesses amount to something like Star Wars or the War of the Worlds or The Matrix 3.   A ragtag band of men take on a high tech army with humongous weapons that roll over everything in their path leaving a trail of destruction,[…]

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Call for Just Peace and an End to Wars of Aggression and Military Sexual Violence Against Women

Statement by The International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS) On August 14, 2020, the world commemorates the end of World War II in 1945. During the Great Depression, an acute global crisis of capital, conflict in the Eastern hemisphere was stirred up when imperial Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931. It had already been occupying Korea. In the Western hemisphere, the[…]

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Sanctions Kill: Economic Warfare and the Migration Crisis (Video)

by Sara Flounders published on the Peace Report Station on Youtube, July 25, 2019 Sara gives an excellent lecture on the recent history, the political and economic components of international sanction  and the context of modern siege warfare. Sara Flounders is an American political writer who has been active in ‘progressive’ and anti-war organizing since the 1960s.  Sara is Co-Director[…]

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